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Friday, March 18, 2016

Spring Break -- Picture Overload!

It is amazing how much time I have to take pictures when I'm not teaching. Ha!

I decided to document my Spring Break day by day...on Instagram (which you may or may not have seen since I hear they are doing things differently now). 

 So if you want to see my IG posts, you'll need to turn on notifications from me.

Anyway...spring break started a little early for me as I headed off to the Big 12 men's basketball tournament.

We are blessed to have friends who get us tickets every year. Love watching my Jayhawks!


Day 1 (of my official Spring Break):

I wisely decided that after two weeks of doing nothing (fighting a cold/virus thingy), I should start a 5 day fitness challenge. 

I couldn't walk normally for three days. Ouch!
I also got carried away my first time shopping at Academy Sports and Sephora.
Day 2:

I went to work. :-(
But thankful my daughter helped me prep for next week's 4 day sub plans...I'll be out for shoulder surgery.
 Day 3:

More work...but not much. 

We are in the process of choosing a new reading curriculum for next year and who has time to look at samples during a school day?
Day 4:

Oh, the day I've waited all year for...official kick off of the NCAA basketball tournament!

FB frame--check!

Brackets complete - check!
In case you're wondering, Crystal's Upsets is doing the best...almost perfect. #ShouldHavePickedYale

Day 5:

Yes, I did complete the 5 day challenge.
 If you're looking for a good one, give Fitness Blender's Strong and Lean challenge a try. Today was another buns and thigh workout...hoping I can walk tomorrow. :-)

Have a great weekend!
I'm headed to the couch for another day of basketball...


  1. I'm glad you had a great spring break!! We are out this week for spring break too. It has gone by way too fast!!
    Mrs.Christy’s Leaping Loopers

    1. Yes, way too fast! Then I found out my surgery got postponed so I have to mentally prepare to go back Monday after all. ;-)

  2. Looks like you had a fun spring break! We were out this week too, and my husband and I traveled to Waco, Texas. :) Best of luck with your shoulder surgery!

    Mind Sparks


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