Well, we are getting ready to have our parent teacher conferences this coming week. So, on Friday we had a work day which allowed us to work on grades and get ready for the conferences. I had been working on getting everything ready beforehand so I got done a little early in the day with everything.
I was so excited because I actually had some time to clean some stuff up and actually organize a little bit......now don't get too excited.....I didn't get everything done that I wanted to get done of course. But, I did file away some stuff that I had wanted to file away from like August ok maybe November. Now, my desk is clean with no stacks of papers etc. Check it out!
I am so excited to walk in and see my clean desk first thing in the morning! Now the question is.....how many minutes seconds will it stay clean?????
Have a great week!
A clean desk always makes me happy! It's the little things in life...
Christy’s Leaping Loopers
Yes indeed! :-)