Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Crystal's Classroom Tour (Part I)

Welcome to my chaos! Ugh...feeling a bit overwhelmed today. I worked on my room yesterday from 8:00-4:00 and accomplished a lot. I'm back today to try to "clean up" the mess I made!


I have a love-hate relationship with my glue gun. The above is a nice sized blister on my wrist - don't ask how I did it because I couldn't tell you. Let's just say I love my glue gun, but I ALWAYS burn myself with the glue (not the gun).

 Okay, on to what you probably want to see...progress! Here's my "I Can Write" bulletin board...bought this awesome set from Mrs. Cupcake.

"Do you have a writer's eye?"

This set was just too stinkin' cute to pass up. You can get it for FREE from Cara at The First Grade Parade. 

Remember the math cubbies that got spruced up with black paint?

Here they are ready to go! I'm excited about these because I finally found some baskets to fit in the cubbies. The shelf was a hand-me-down with odd-sized cubbies. For two years, I've dealt with the math "tools" sliding out and onto the floor all year long!

My re-worked Touchdown Behavior chart (going up and down - last two years has been down only). I'm still a little nervous about the new system, but I hope it will help me remember to acknowledge more positive behavior. You can grab the chart at our TPT store if you're interested.

Calendar area - I'm loving these black bulletin boards. No big paper to wrestle with!

New job chart - clip chart style! This used to take up an entire bulletin board...saw a version of the job clip chart on Wolfelicious and went for it - baseball style. You can grab this in our TPT store too. I love that it is right up front by my teaching area - no more squinting to try and read who my helpers are. :-)

Okay, last thing for today (you did notice this is Part I, right?). This is my whole group gathering place and main teaching area. I assign the seats next to a shoulder buddy and switch them out each nine weeks. I always try to leave enough room between the balls for personal space to limit problems! Ha ha!

I'm linking up with Run! Miss Nelson's Got the Camera. Check it out for some great classroom pictures!

Now I need to get back to work!

Have a great evening!


Click here to go to PART II.


  1. Great pictures. You should link up to my linky and giveaway.

  2. Your room looks great!! I love the writer's eye display. :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  3. It seems like I always leave my room messier than when I started. What's up with that?? Your burn looks like something I'm always doing ~ hot glue guns are not my friends! :-)


  4. Looks so adorable, Crystal! Your writer's eye display is so much more cute than mine!! And, OUCH, on the blister! You be careful, lady:)

  5. Thanks for linking up. Great pics!

  6. Everything is looking beautiful, well.. maybe except for your owie! Hope it heals quickly!

  7. I love your writing eyes display! I think I need to put that up in my room! Your poor wrist. I have a love/hate relationship with my glue gun too!! I'm your newest follower. :)

    Spectacular 2nd Grade
