Monday, July 30, 2012


This Monday Made-Ok, so I really wanted to do like Crystal did with her blinds and the fabric...

I LOVE THESE! Crystal's blinds

But all the fabric that I found that I liked was like $8 a yard-I was tempted, but no wasn't going to be able to spend that much on it. So, I thought about what I could do and decided on the following........

Before -this is Crystal's room because I forgot to take a before picture-I always forget to do this with all my projects, even at home.




This was much cheaper. I have a frog theme going so I got black poster board and painted frogs on them. The black empty poster board below is where I am going to put my word wall. I will put up my frog word wall headings (just waiting on them to be laminated then I will get them up) and attach our word wall words.

Here are the bulletin boards painted black-I did remember before pictures on these :-)





When I first started the painting I thought I'd do all the bulletin boards and all of the shelves-YEAH RIGHT! First of all, I don't like painting-actually I dread it! So, after spending like 400 4 hours on the three bulletin boards being painted, I decided that I could live with the blue color on the shelves LOL! So there are my big projects for the day. Glad I was able to get them done. :-)

Don't forget to link up with Tara at 4th Grade Frolics to share your Monday Made-It!
Have a wonderful day!



  1. Love te black bullitan boards. I did it in my son's room a few years ago and he loves it. I had it a little easier as I was able to spray paint then hang:)

    The Resourceful Apple

    1. Thanks-wish I could have spray painted it-I'm such a messy painter. LOL

  2. Thanks for following my blog! I am now YOUR newest follower. I am envious of people that can post about school during the summer. I really lasck the motivation (and time) to post. I feel like I make up for it suring the school year though. I love your word wall on your blinds. Does it bother you that you have to leave the blinds down?
    Thanks again for following!

    Lori @
