Friday, July 27, 2012

NTR - Happy Friday Folks!

Hi everyone! I thought I'd pop in for a few updates today...NTR (Not Teaching Related, remember?).

There is a reason I am rebelling against teaching topics today.

You see, I realized something earlier this week...

My summer break is almost over!

I know some of you have probably already accepted that and moved on, but right now I am just a little bummed. Not because I have to go back to work necessarily because I really do LOVE my job, but more because of all that comes with going back to school for our family. It just gets so busy and both my kids will be playing middle school sports this year - Yikes!

Kristi and I report back to work on August 13th. We get our new batch of sweeties on the 16th.

My kids start August 23rd...the lucky ducks...condensed calendar. They get out before me too!

Next week, my daughter heads to Silver State Baptist Youth Camp (jr. camp) and traditionally that has been the week that I go up to the school and get to work, so I promise teaching topics next week.

Anyway, this was the last day of my self-imposed weight loss challenge so I need to wrap that up for those of you that have been following along with us. You may remember Kristi had met her goal last week. I have not met my goal - YET. I'm going to keep at it. I lost 8 pounds this summer and wanted to lose 4 more.

We celebrated my birthday last night with Coca Cola Cake and homemade Butter Pecan ice cream. Yum--O! But certainly not diet food - ha! The cake was a Pinterest find and awesome! :-)

I am pleased to say that in all my vacationing that last couple of weeks I did not GAIN any weight back. Woohoo!

Okay, on to the next thing that has kept me busy this week...

I have had a pay as you go phone for years, but I have started to use it so much that we looked into getting a plan. We were also hoping so solve an internet issue here at the house by using a phone as a mobile hotspot for my laptop. So, I ended up with this:

It is an LG Lucid smartphone and I have no idea how to use it - LOL! I am learning...slowly. I was able to connect my laptop to the hotspot, but have not been able to get internet access yet. Weird. I wonder if I missing a step or something. If any of you have experience with this and care to offer suggestions, I'd appreciate it.

Okay, I'm off to play with my new phone clean house!

Happy Friday!



  1. mmmm....that cake and cola sure made me crave! I know how you feel about break being over; mixed feelings, for sure! Good luck with the new phone, I mean house-cleaning!

  2. I had the same realization yesterday. My kids also come back on the 16th... I still think I'm in a little bit of denial and it doesn't help that my classroom looks like a tornado hit it! I can't go in until tomorrow because they are waxing the floors in my hallway. I hope to be done by next Friday so that I can have a real week off.
    Good luck cleaning house- I hope you do a better job than I am right now! LOL

    First with Franklin
