Sunday, January 17, 2016

Sick day, Subtraction with Regrouping, and Interesting Art...

Hey there!

My Friday blog post is later than usual...this explains it:

I actually did call in sick on Thursday. I like the idea of all those emergency sub plans that I see on TPT, but I hate to get off schedule. My sick day started with about two hours of getting things laid out, grading, and contacting parents to rearrange tutor times, etc. It was needed though because I could barely get off the couch the rest of the day! Ugh! I've laid low all weekend and still don't feel great. :-/

I did have a few things to share though, so...

These three came in all excited to be triplets, so I had to snap a picture. 

We have been working very hard on subtraction with regrouping. It was fun to hear my kids repeating parts of this chant as they worked. One little guy kept saying the part about "going next door" and was impressed with how fast his brain was working! Ha! Chants and songs are so helpful to students. I need to be better about using them and revisiting them!   

Okay, this next part just cracks me up...
This is what happens when you leave an art project for a sub.

Or maybe least a few of the students got the idea. :-)  
 This catching snowflakes idea came from here

Last, but not least...we are still cooking our way through my updated cookbook.

Copycat P.F. Chang's lettuce wraps and General Tso's Chicken...success!

Tomorrow is an inservice day for me. 
Hope you have a great week!


  1. I've had 3 sick days since we came back from break -- I feel ya. I don't know what's worse -- sub plans or coughing my way through the day. And yes, the way my plans are interpreted is pretty interesting sometimes. Hope you are feeling better. Sara

  2. Um, that first art project? How funny. :)
