Monday, June 15, 2015

Summer Bucket List Linky

I'm linking up with What the Teacher Wants

School:  even though it is summer, isn't there always things you could do for school?  I have many things that I could do and should do, but I'm starting with making an outline of the my math and reading for the year, cutting out some laminating and getting some things organized.

Personal:  I plan to rest of course and I made a to do list that I have been working on.  Most of the things on it is getting things organized.  Last summer we put on a new roof and when it was all done we realized that the colors on the roof didn't coordinate as well with our colors on our house like we thought.  :-(  It is amazing how different a roof can look once on compared to looking at one shingle.  Anyways, we have colors picked out, but now it's just getting motivated to get it done.  

Fun:  I would love to have a get away with my hubby.  We are looking at maybe going to Arizona.  
We would both love to see the Grand Canyon.

Spend time with family and friends.  I have been spending some time already with my mom.  Her 68th birthday was on June 3 and I was going to go down that weekend to celebrate but it worked out better for me to go down this last weekend instead.  It's amazing how well she gets around.   I think she has a lot more energy than me.  She is still working full time along with running a non profit organization where she takes in cats and adopts them out and let me tell you they are very spoiled!  It is a lot of work and she does a great job with it.  Check out some of the cats:

My mom also has ducks and they just had chicks on Friday, they are soooooo cute!!

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you and your husband make it to the Grand Canyon this summer! That is definitely on my bucket list, but maybe for a different summer.

    Enjoy your summer!

    Shine on in First Grade
