Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Branching Out...Connect With Me!

Hi there! 

I've joined the fun--at least I think it is supposed to be fun (more about that below)-- #tptsellerchallenge that is being hosted by Ashley at Teach Create Motivate, Jen at Sparkling in Second, Amber at Peppy Zesty Teacherista, and Emily at Third in Hollywood.

I got started by recording our current stats--which was fun to see. This little blog has definitely reached more people than Kristi and I ever dreamed!

You can see that I'm fairly new to Instagram. Don't even have a link for you in the sidebar. #gasp! But I really am still getting it going... For now if you'd like to follow me on Instagram, my username is @teachinglittlemiracles.

Also, I just signed up for Twitter today. 
Our administrators last year were talking it up for the professional development opportunities and then when I entered the #tptsellerchallenge, I figured I should just go for it. 

I have NO IDEA how to use it yet, but you can follow me at @Teach_Miracles if you want to. It could be fun if I get it figured out. Ha!

Links in sidebar coming soon--I hope!

Okay, the challenge for week one was to makeover an old product. Easy enough! We have a lot of "oldies, but goodies" that could use a face lift so I jumped right in. I started updating the covers and information pages for our Super Sight Word packs. 

It was fun.

Do you see the emphasis on was--as in past tense? 

That means I am not having fun anymore people.

It all started out well and good. 

Five packs updated last night. The packs were some of our first. I mean back when we created things in Word. Thank you to whoever clued me in to how much easier it is to use PowerPoint! So it took some effort to get them all updated, but I did it. The covers are much more appealing to the eye. See the example below:

I was happy.

Next, I would need to upload the revised products to TPT.

First four products uploaded just fine, and then the fun stopped!

TPT kept saying, "This file may have a virus. Please check and upload again."


I do not have a virus. I checked. Over and over.

I tried saving as a PDF again.
I tried it on my laptop.
I tried it on my Mac.
I tried it holding my tongue just so.
I tried it while crossing my fingers.

You get the idea. 

I tried everything that I know how to do.

Then I went to work recreating the file--yes, a 78 page file!

And guess what?

When I tried to upload it, I got the same error message!

Nope. I was no longer having fun!

Finally, I just made it inactive. Because well, I have a life outside of TPT and I'm headed to a basketball camp with my daughter tomorrow.

So, I then took the offending file (the third grade one) out of my newly created bundle so that TPT would accept it. 

I will add the third grade file into the bundle. 

Next week. 

When I'm no longer ready to smash my computer.

Click the picture to check it out:

Right now it is 330 pages of sight word goodness! When I add in the 3rd grade one, it will be 408!

The good news is that as I worked on the pack, I started thinking of how I was going to use this next year. I have quite a few struggling readers heading my way. I'll share my plans when I get it put together!

Oh, and in honor of #makeovermadness I've discounted all the individual packs and priced this bundle at a steal of a deal!


  1. This is really nice looking. I love the little girl. Cute!

  2. Computer troubles are so much fun -- not. Hope you can get it figured out!

    1. Thanks, Sara! I plan to try again next week. :-)


  3. WOW! Big difference :) Looks amazing! Great work, lady!

  4. You did a great job! there's a big difference and I love your choice of colors

  5. Oh no!!! What a nightmare!!! I hope you're able to get it worked out! On the bright side, your new makeovers look fabulous!!

    Shine on in First Grade

    1. Thanks! I'm hoping a little time will fix the problem! I'll try again next week!

