Monday, November 3, 2014

All in a Day's Work!

I took a lot of pictures of our last day of school last week and wanted to share a little bit of it with you.  On Thursday (we didn't have school on Friday), we had many things going on throughout the day.  At our school, we don't dress up in our costumes, instead it was red ribbon week for us and every day we did something for it.  On Thursday, it was crazy hair day or hat day.  So in the following pictures you will see some crazy hair or lots of hats being worn.  

During the week, we read a story called "Beth and the Band" and in the story the kids made instruments and played. them.  The first graders had all week to be creative and make up an instrument out of things that they had at home.  We had a lot of neat ones come in.  They got to play them during Music class.  Check them out!

Later in the day, we started with an assembly.  During our scholastic book fair that goes on during parent teacher conferences, our lovely librarian decided to put out jars with teachers from each grade.  So my jar had a picture of me and my co-teacher on it.  Kids could put money in the jars and whoever got the most money would get feathered at the assembly.  Well, it so happened that it was my co-teacher and I.  The great thing about it was that we got to spend the money that we got in the the jar on books at the book fair.  If you don't know already, I don't like to be the center of attention or have eyes on me, so getting up in front of the whole school and all the teachers to get feathered gave me an anxiety attack :-).  Not only that, but my lovely co-teacher came in during our lunch and said, "Hey, I wonder if we will need an extra pair of clothes to change into after getting feathered because it may mess up the ones that we have on."  GULP!!!  Anyways, we got feathered and it wasn't too bad but the lovely Kindergarten teacher took pictures of it and sent them to me (I debated sharing them!). 

After the assembly we had what we call Family Groups.  Each teacher takes about 6-7 kids throughout the whole school (K-6) and we get with our groups and do a fun activity.  During this one, we got to dance with our group.  Sorry, I didn't get any pictures of that, but I don't think you would want to see me doing any dancing!  I think the favorite of the students was the Chicken Dance.  :-)

Finally, to end the day, we had our Fall Party in the classroom.  We have parents that volunteer to come in and do the parties and our party was really good.  They had 3 games for them to do and some great treats.  

WOW!  That was a lot for me in one day!  

Hope all of you have a great week!

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