Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween or Happy It's Over?


I survived Halloween!

Actually it wasn't too bad this year. My class really is amazing! We had a pretty normal day until about 2:00. Then the kids put on their costumes and paraded around the gym in front of parents. My kids had some really original costumes! They all looked cute, but I was able to snap a few of my favorites...

I've never played Minecraft, but this was cool!
This little "nerd" even had fake braces on her teeth! LOL!

This may have been my favorite. She was an old lady with a wig, sweat suit, and fanny pack. Hee hee! She made it even better by saying things like, "What'd you say? I can't hear you!"

Enough about Halloween...

I have one little guy who is working so hard on his handwriting. I mean, seriously. I haven't even been able to believe it is the same kid writing some of his latest papers! His second sentence on the spelling test shows me exactly how he feels about it, too. LOL!

He makes me laugh! :-)

Have a great weekend!


  1. His handwriting looks pretty good! Hard work is paying off. :)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. We had a costume parade, too! It was a lot of fun. One of my favourite costumes was a child dressed as a very old man. He had the lingo down just like your little gal:)
    Barbara Leyne Designs
