Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wisdom for Wednesday - Necessary Practice

Hi there! I hope you are having a great week. 

Mine is shaping up to be quite busy...raced out of the building today to head to an IEP meeting at another building (16 minutes away), tomorrow I'll race out of there for my son's cross country meet, and then Friday I have another meeting at the other building! 

Whew! I'm tired just thinking about I'm trying not to think about it. Remember "embrace the day!" That's my motto this year. :-)

Enough about me! On to the reason you are here...

This quote applies to so many areas of life!

Practice is necessary to ensure success...whether we are talking about teaching, fitness, or simply just living a certain way. 

We practice teaching methods and strategies to improve in our profession. 
We ask our students to practice...well, everything. 
We practice holding our tongue to keep from saying things we shouldn't. 
We practice controlling our thoughts to keep from thinking the things we shouldn't.

Everything takes practice if we want to get better at it. 

It makes me think that maybe--just maybe--the failure would be in refusing to practice.



  1. I like your final thought - failure comes in failing to practice. I hadn't thought that what I do is practice, but you are right! Good thoughts! Sara

  2. Teaching is a constant state of practicing for sure. There's always another goal around the corner to shoot for. :)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First
