Friday, October 3, 2014

October Currently...Treat!

Happy Friday!

I'm linking up with Farley's Currently...finally. Kristi has been beating me to it the last few months. Ha! Really the first of the month just always seemed to fall around her turn to blog, turn!

The kids are at pep band and spending the night at my brother's house, so hubby and I are enjoying a nice "date night" at home--my favorite date. We are watching Love it or List it, which kind of annoys me, but I watch anyway to see how they fix the houses up...

I signed up to work a volleyball tournament tomorrow...ugh. Love watching volleyball--and being paid to run the scoreboard--but hate getting up early on Saturday to get there! dishes. I've had the same dishes for I think about 15 years. They no longer go with anything in my house and well, it is just time for something new. That being said, I probably won't get new ones anytime soon. I have a hard time spending money on things I just want (and don't need).

Needing sleep. What else?

And finally, a treat for you! I've changed this to a freebie in our TPT store for the next week. Enjoy!

We've been hard at work on place value in second grade. I used this I Have...Who Has...? game to review ones and tens. After we practiced a few times, we then went on to our game that includes the hundreds

My students seem to finally "get it." I've got a little quiz set for Monday to see if we can move's hoping!


  1. What a great freebie! I wish my students would be able to use it but it's just a little to high for them. Absolutely love the product though.

    I've only had my dishes for 3 years and I already want new ones...but that's definitely not going to happen unless I find them at the thrift store for super cheap :)

    Brie - Breezy Special Ed

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I'm pretty sure I've wanted new dishes for that long. Ha! ;-)


  2. I have a few things I really want and kind of need, and I still have trouble spending money on them. :)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. Crazy, isn't it? I wait so long and then it seems like I really *need* everything at the same time. Seems like I'd figure out buying a little at a time would be better!


  3. I hear you on the sleep, my friend! Thanks for the freebie! We'll use it when we have a few minutes to fill! Have a great weekend!

    Mrs. Beattie's Classroom
