Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Showing Some Goodies and Reminders!

So, Kristi is right. I'm still enjoying my summer freedom (for a few days at least). I was thinking of all my former teacher buddies as they reported back yesterday though.
I'm trying REALLY hard not to go to the school this week. You may remember that I worked like crazy a couple weeks ago with the intention of taking these final two weeks off!
Well, I went in last week only to enroll my own children...and...it was like Christmas! I have a classroom budget at my new school AND they let me order some things on my "wishlist" too. Of course, I had to open the boxes and see my goodies. Here's a few of the things I'm most excited about:
Lucy Calkin's Units of Study for 2nd Grade!!! I confess I brought this home and started reading ASAP! :-)
Mountain Math and Mountain Language Centers - 2nd Grade!
Book Boxes!!!
There was a lot more, but I'll spare you pictures of my chart pads, markers, glue sticks, etc. ;-)
Don't forget...
Kristi and I are hosting our first linky. It is...
Since we're both new to iPads this year, we'd love to hear about your favorite APPS. At my school, they have a cart of iPads to share among the three classes. I'm afraid my students are going to make me look really silly with all their skills! Click the pic above to head over to link up!
Also, we're having a sale at our Teacher's Notebook store. Click below to do some back to school shopping if you like!

I know most of you are busy, busy, busy! Stay rested! ;-) 


  1. Isn't Lucy's stuff grand? I'm sure you'll love using it this year.

    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. It seems a bit overwhelming right now! I'm sure it will come together though. :-)


      Teaching Little Miracles

  2. I know what you mean about the kids making us look silly on the iPads! We have an iPad cart this year too. Always looking for good apps. I'm heading to your linking party to find some more. LOVE Lucy Calkins! Thanks!

    1. Link up while you're there! We only have one so far...

