Monday, August 12, 2013


Today is the first day to report back to school for the year, at least for me.  Crystal still has like another month off!!  LOL!!  Not really that long but she does have most of this week off. 
 I am excited to start another year with a bunch of little kiddos.  I have tried to get as organized as I possibly can here at home because I know how very exhausted I will be by the end of the week.  It is amazing how we teach most of the year and get a couple of months off and then it takes us at least me forever to get back into the swing of things.  I am always so exhausted by the end of the week.
I will be starting with the kids on Thursday and will have 1/2 a day with them and then a full day on Friday.  I'm sure that by the weekend I will be ready to rest up.  :-)
You know how before the first day of school, you have like a million things on your mind....thinking of everything you need to do and hoping you don't forget anything!!  Well, one thing that I know I need to figure out quickly is my bathroom situation.  Last year, I had bathrooms in my classroom and loved them.  Unfortunately, this year I lost them because I moved rooms.  I was curious what your bathroom procedure is if you don't have a one in the classroom.  I have been trying to decide how I will manage this since I no longer have them in the classroom.....I am going to miss those bathrooms!


  1. Hey Kristi!
    I had this same issue a few years ago when I moved from first to second. I started out with a boys and a girls pass hanging and they used those to take out of the room with them to the restroom. I learned quickly how dirty (ick!) those got and they would forget them! Somi switched to having the kids just put the pass on their desk when they leave and that has helped. My kids know that if the pass isn't hanging up they don't even (raise their two fingers, my bathroom sign) to ask me. I've seen all over Pinterest and other teacher bloggers doing the hand sanitizer bottles as passes... I may try that this year!! What are your thoughts!?!?


    1. Hi and thanks for sharing the great idea. I had seen the pass on the desk and was thinking about trying that this year but didn't know how well it worked. So I'm glad you commented so now I know it is something that I could try. I also like the hand sanitizer idea, I had never heard that one before. That sounds like it would work too and keep the germs away lol! Thanks so much for the ideas.

    2. Hi and thanks for sharing the great idea. I had seen the pass on the desk and was thinking about trying that this year but didn't know how well it worked. So I'm glad you commented so now I know it is something that I could try. I also like the hand sanitizer idea, I had never heard that one before. That sounds like it would work too and keep the germs away lol! Thanks so much for the ideas.

  2. I so wish my first day was a half day. It's such a long day for the little ones, and me too! For bathrooms, I use a boy and girl hand sanitizer. With permission (we use sign language), the person puts the pass on their desk. When they get back, they use the sanitizer and then return it to its proper place.

    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  3. I'm so glad we only go half a day that first day. We used to do a full day, but like you said, it is hard on those little ones and this old one lol! I like your sanitizer idea for a bathroom pass. Thanks for sharing!
