Monday, July 29, 2013

Many Monday Made-Its = Freebies!

Let me apologize in advance...this post is kind of all over the place, but it does have lots of pictures! You will want to stick with me - our 400+ Giveaway is at the bottom. :-)
First my daughter's "made-it"...she's been busy! Check out how she dressed up some of her school supplies from last year in preparation for back-to-school:

Made-It #1 - Flower Bed

This summer I finally put in a flower bed...we moved to the country in 2007 and there was so much dirt work to be done around the house, I kind of gave up the idea of having flowers like at my house in town. I had hubby move a giant rock out by our driveway and created the flower bed around it. Here's my first Dahlia bloom. Beautiful!

Made-It #2 - S'mores Pie
Birthday picture - not a great one! But hey, I told you I would let you know about the S'mores Pie (pinterest inspired). I think it should be called S'mores Candy, but it was pretty tasty. :-)
Made-It #3 - Rules Posters (Freebie)
Click the picture to grab it!
 Here they are up in my room!
These posters were inspired by Stephanie at 3rd Grade Thoughts. I loved hers, which are also free, but I didn't want...
"Raise your hand for permission to stand."
(which was part of her rule #3)
My posters say:
1. Listen when your teacher is talking.
2. Follow directions quickly.
3. Raise your hand for permission to speak.
4. Respect others. Respect yourself. Respect our school.
5. Be safe. Be kind. Be honest.
Just had to add this picture is my Reading Focus Wall coming together (below the rules). Hooray!
Please note - if you downloaded my free Focus Wall Headers, I changed the yellow to orange so they would be easier to read (same with my thought bubbles - see below). You may want to redownload.
Aren't they cute??? Love how they turned out.
 Made-It #4 - Binder
This binder part goes along with a great linky going on over at:
I blogged about the binder pack I purchased here. It comes from Bridget at Little Lovely Learners. The made-it part comes as I have put it together and added to it... I was going to wait to post this because I'm not all the way done, but I know some of you are already back at it and thought you might benefit from seeing how I'm putting mine together, so... 

First thing you see when you open it up is my daily check-list. I know my check-list will change this year, but I went ahead and put it in to remind me to include it. This truly saved me so much time last year!

Monthly Calendar - The binder pack comes with a good 1-page took me awhile to choose, but eventually I went with this FREE 2-page spread from Marshall in the Middle.

Weekly Calendar - I wanted to combine my binder...personal and I wanted a weekly spread to keep me organized with all our activities through the week. Grab them here free if you want.

A place to write dinner plans at the bottom = one less page in my home management binder.

Okay, back to more school sections:

I made this yearly planning calendar.
I got the idea from someone else - it was chevron backgrounds. If it is you, let me know and I will point people in the right direction. I also don't want to give this away in case that person had it for sale. Sorry... :-(

The binder pack comes with MANY more covers and pages for inside your binders. I plan to make at least three more binders: Student Information/Data, MTSS (Bridget made by special request), and a Sub binder.
***I also absolutely LOVE a work skills/behavior checklist that Bridget includes in the pack.
Okay, if you've stuck with me this long, you deserve a giveaway! Kristi and I are so excited that we reached 400 followers on Bloglovin' that we wanted to celebrate. We figured anyone can enjoy a $25 gift card to Target! Use the Rafflecopter below to enter and good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Don't forget to link up your Monday Made-It with Tara!


  1. Thanks for the chance to win a Target gift card. Bet I could quickly spend that in the Dollar Spot and school supply section:-)

    1. Couldn't we all??? Ha! I love Target...good thing it is about 45 minutes away from me. :-)


  2. I LOVE Target!! You guys rock!! :D I love your binder organization!! I am going to a binder this year!

    1. It's my first year for the binder. I'm thinking I will love it!


  3. My favorite store! Thanks! I'm getting ready to get my binder ready so I loved seeing how you put yours together.

  4. You have some great ideas for your binder. I need to make myself get my binder together and share. Things just keep popping up.

    Mrs. Flickinger's Butterfly Oasis

  5. I'd love to win the Target Gift Card! I recently came across your blog and I'm one of your newest followers!

  6. Target is my favorite store! Love the giveaway!

  7. Congrats on 400 wonderful followers and a productive Monday Made It too. I hope your'e feeling better!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. Thanks, Tammy! Yes, I am feeling better. So strange...still didn't really find the cause of my trouble, but for now it is better so I can't complain. :-)


  8. I love the idea of a daily checklist in the teacher binder! I will definitely be adding one to mine.
    la SeƱorita Creativa

    1. Oh, Rachel. The checklist worked wonders for me last year! It really helped me focus through my plan time so I could be done sooner after that final bell rang.


  9. I love Target! Thank you for the giveaway. I'm crossing my fingers!

  10. Congrats! The gift card would really come in handy for back to school!

  11. Congrats on the milestone! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE TARGET!! I'm there at least 3 times a week, usually buying things for the classroom lol I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I win!

    The Very Busy Resource Teacher

    1. Wow! 3 times a week! Good thing I live 45 minutes away or I might be the same way...heehee.


  12. I downloaded your rules posters! Thanks for the freebie! As a new teacher, a target gift card would be wonderful! Thank you for the giveaway!!

  13. Wow! You've been super busy, Crystal! I'm majorly impressed:)
    I love that your daughter made over her binder. Very cute!
    Congrats on the 400!

    1. Her binders look awesome! I was impressed and she had so much fun doing them...nice to reuse those old school supplies too.


  14. Thanks so much for linking up with me today. This was a great blog post with super ideas. I love that your daughter is super crafty too! ;) Your classroom is looking beautiful and I love the freebie posters - I will be using them in my room this year, so thank you! I am happy to be a new follower. Hope to see you again sometime this week at the link!
    The Teacher’s Chair
    Share the Bloglovin’!

    1. Hooray! So happy to know you can use the posters and glad to have you as a follower!


  15. I love your posters and binder. You did an awesome job!

  16. Your focus wall is adorable! Thank you for the great contest!

  17. Loved the rules posters. Thanks for making them a freebie!

  18. Thanks for all the tips. And the giveaway. Target is fabulous!

  19. Would LOVE a Target giftcard!

    Heather Perkins

  20. I love Target (but my husband doesn't as he thinks I spend too much there). I would be so excited to win the gift card (and so would my husband LOL). Thanks for the posters - they are great!

  21. I hope I win the gift card! I love Target!

  22. I love how you have set up your binder. Thanks for sharing!
