Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Come Be a Fly on my Wall!

Only Wednesday?
This has been a long week already. Kristi and I have morning duty (which we strongly dislike love). We supervise students from 7:45-8:10 when the first bell rings. Ugh...
My own children had track meets on Monday and Tuesday. They had to reschedule three due to the crazy Kansas spring weather here. Next week, we get to have meets Monday, Tuesday AND Thursday. It is fun to watch them compete, but the last two days here have been really COLD! Last night, add DRIZZLE and RAIN to the COLD and you have a MISERABLE track meet for participants and their dedicated parents who came to watch. I told my kiddos they should really appreciate me - sitting by the track in LAYERS with WINTER COAT, HAT, GLOVES, BLANKETS, and an UMBRELLA!!! Ha!
And we have our school concert on Thursday! Busy, busy...and this is only the beginning. The next 25 days (but who's counting?) will only get more crazy. :-)
Anyway, I saw this super fun linky from Jodi at Fun in First and thought I'd link up. I love the idea of visiting other classrooms and seeing how its done!
We pick up our kids at 8:10 from the library or gym and head to our classrooms. I greet each kiddo at the door, and they head into the room and check out the board for the morning routine.
I use the Morning Routine signs that we have as a FREEBIE in our TPT store. On Wednesdays, it is just:
1. Choose lunch (kids move sticks under sack lunch or hot lunch).
2. Take out homework (kids clip their helmets on their paper so I can tell very quickly who hasn't turned it in -- a pinterest idea).
3. Daily 5 (my first group gets started at the back table while they wait for me--today they were playing the Read and Roll fluency passage game that Kristi makes for our Treasures series--also in our TPT store).
Daily 5 - You can kind of see my rotation chart above computers. The students check the board and then get started. We did not have Word Work today, but they were busy with everything else!
Morning Meeting - After one round of Daily 5, we gather at the front for what I would call a morning meeting. We go over points - a friendly competition between me and the class and the boys versus girls. Then we go into our words of the week. I use the power points that we made (Treasures again - available in our TPT store). I read the clue and the kids whisper the answer to their shoulder buddies. If it is a spelling word, we get up and exercise while we spell it out. Then we go right into our grammar lesson - again using power points we made to go with our series. I like to do this Mix-Pair-Share. You can see the kiddos paired up and raising their hands. That tells me they have come to an agreement and are ready to share. After this, we do Mountain Language (forgot a picture), but it only takes about 5 minutes. Then we go back to our Daily 5 rounds.
Also, forgot a picture of Reading Groups...9:30-10:00.
After reading groups, we do two more rounds of Daily 5. Then we have recess 10:45-11:05. Kristi and I take turns doing duty each week. Duty free lunch from 11:10-11:40.
After lunch, we usually do Deskercise before math. Today we had to skip it because we had program practice.
We got busy right away on our math rotations. One group is working in their math books. One group is doing Mountain Math at the back table (forgot picture). One group plays Fact Dash on computer (or another math game). We rotate about every 15 minutes. When they are finished, they get some time to work on other work or read their AR books.

Usually, I will teach a whole group math lesson and then go into the rotations. Math is from 11:50-1:15, followed by milk/story time, and then social studies or science.
Today as soon as we were done, it was time to leave for the high school for music concert practice. What an adventure!
Normally we would have had our specials during that time (2:10-3:15). Library (M, W) and computer (T, Th) are from 2:10-2:40. During that time, I pull kids who need extra help or for individual conferences. They go from computer or library to music and PE every day (2:40-3:15).

3:20 Final bell rings!
Okay...that is what today looked like for me! Go link up with Jodi. I can't wait to check out all the classrooms this weekend when I have some extra time. :-)
Have a great rest of the week!


  1. I was at track meets this week too.....and they were cold! BRRRR!! Hopefully Kansas will be nice to us next week, and warm up!

    Mind Sparks

    1. Oh, Katie. It is not looking up for us... We may be bundled up again this week for the meets. :-)


  2. It's been windy and cold here, and I've been out running in it. I'm ready for something nice too.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. Hi Tammy. I've had the itch to get out and exercise...I do exercise videos in my house all winter. I'm not as dedicated as you are though! I'll wait until it warms up some more to go out!


  3. Yuck for morning duty. We are very fortunate that classroom teachers don't have to do morning duty. Your classroom looks great! Thanks for linking up!!

    1. Oh, I am so jealous! I'd love to NOT have morning duty! Hooray for us though - this is our LAST time for the year! :-)


  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog, Crystal! This is my second year in second grade, and I love it. Please stop back by from time to time. I plan on posting more activities that we do in second grade. It's also fun finding out what other Kansas teachers are up to!

    Mrs. Jones Teaches :)

  5. Looks like you all are busy too! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Do your kids only have one recess??

    1. Yes, one recess. We do "Deskercise" after lunch which is a 10 minute workout video inside. With PE at 2:40, we weren't able to fit another recess in.

