Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Read to Someone Funny - Daily 5 Chapter 5

"Teachers have no control over which students walk into their classes, what goes on outside school, or other external factors, but teachers can control how they react to those things that happen."
Hopkins (2002) page 60

I think this is one of the reasons the Daily 5 structure appeals to me. I have a very diverse group in my class each year. We are a Title I school because we have low income housing in our district, but our school is also located in a booming area of town where new houses are going up. So I have some kids who are getting LOADS of support at home and some who are getting LITTLE or NO support. Then there are those families that are just TOO BUSY to have their children practice reading at home. I can't control any of that, but I can provide students with ample practice time in the classroom.

Funny story about Read to Someone... Remember I have not done Daily 5 before, but last year I had one student who was really struggling with her AR tests. I talked with her and we decided that she needed to read her books to a buddy before taking a test so she would check with me and I would give her the okay to find a buddy.

One time two students (who did not have permission) had paired up and were reading to each other and doing a great job at it! Now I did have to tell them that they needed to check with me first, but it was neat to see that they were capable of doing this with no modeling or training.

Makes me think that introducing Read to Someone with modeling and practice is going to work great and I know the kids will enjoy it!

Last year on Fridays we would do what I called partner reading with our basal stories and the kids loved it. They each read the story and then they would read it together. Voice level was definitely an issue, but that was with the whole class doing it at the same time. I had two little sweeties that just had the LOUDEST voices - not on purpose - it was the way they always talked. They did not make a good pair! Ha ha!

I love the check for understanding part because it makes the kiddos more accountable to listen to their buddy. I also like the "Coaching or Time?" lesson because first graders have such a hard time understanding that. This lesson really breaks it down for the kids which will be helpful. I'm hoping someone has a great Coaching Sheet (maybe a bookmark) freebie for this!

Listen to Reading - I have already decided that during this time, students will listen to our basal story and then do some of the activities online provided by our reading series. I'm excited about this because last year I used this as a choice when done with work, but not all kids had the opportunity to do it (slower or off-task workers kept them from getting to choices). I only have two student computers so I will have to check out laptops every day to make it work (ugh!) but it will be worth it!

Thanks to our wonderful first grade hostess...

Castles and Crayons

Oh, and LAST CHANCE to enter to win $25 to MPM School Supplies or the BEST Pencil Sharpener Ever (or so we've heard -- ours are on the way - YIPPEE!).

Graphic by The 3AM Teacher
Font by Graphics From the Pond

You might have noticed that we are well over 50 followers now! In fact, we're over 100! Woohoo! Stay tuned for how we plan to celebrate 100+!

Have a wonderful day!


Go to Chapter SIX


  1. Congrats on over 100!! I'm very excited to watch your fab blog grow even bigger:)

  2. Replies
    1. Yep! I can't wait to see it in action this year!


  3. Thank you so much for linking up, Kristi and Crystal! :) I just entered your FAB giveaway!
    Congratulations on all your new followers! :)

    Kelli :)
    Castles and Crayons

  4. You've made a lot of good points, and I love that your kids paired up without "permission". Just goes to show how much they like it.

    1. I know...too cute! :-) Can't wait to actually teach it and model how it should be done!


  5. Great ideas! I believe that making Listen to Reading a necessary choice for everyone is a great idea!!
