Sunday, December 17, 2017

Christmas Program and Cocoa on the Curb!

We had our Christmas Program and the kids did a great job!  Our music teacher is outstanding and always puts on the greatest programs!  

On Friday, we had family groups.  We meet with family groups about once a month.  Each teacher has a student from all grades K-6 in their group and we do activities together.  This time, our music teacher led us in Christmas Carols.  I recorded the kids singing during one of the songs.  It is amazing how well they can sing together as a whole school when they haven't practiced all together.  

It was a fun time!

We also did hot cocoa on the curb.  Our principal came up with the idea of having all the teachers help serve hot cocoa to the parents as they dropped their kids off at school.  This was a Merry Christmas to them from us all.  It was a great way to start the morning out by serving and giving to others during the Holiday season.  What a fun week!

Hope you have a great week!  We have 2 more days until we start our Christmas Break?  How much longer for you?

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! I am going to bring this cocoa on the curb back to my school. Have a great week!
