Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Wisdom for Wednesday-Words I Speak

Welcome to this week's:

I saw this quote and loved it.  If I were to have every word that I thought, spoke or even typed wrote on my hand where everyone could see, would I be proud to show off my hand or would I have some cleaning up to do?  Unfortunately, I will have to admit that I know that I wouldn't always be proud to show off my hand.  My words and thought have failed many times and words can never be taken back.  God and myself are the only ones that have heard my thoughts that I have created in my mind.  But I have the responsibility to use my words wisely and think before I speak so that I could be proud of what may be written on my hand. 

Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Powerful graphic and message ~ thank you for sharing this!
