Saturday, June 24, 2017

Announcing The Reading Strategies Summer Book Study

Hi there!

I feel like I can start my summer now--for real! 
It has been non-stop craziness around here since school finished, and I am finally looking at some relaxing days ahead (I hope).

I was so excited to get The Reading Strategies Book (affiliate link) by Jennifer Serravallo to read this summer, but I have been so busy that I haven't had a chance to get started. I have heard such great things about this book that I really want to dive in and see what I can learn from Serravallo. Many of you have been posting that this book is also on your summer reading list, so I thought it would be fun to host a book study!

There are two ways you can participate:

1. If you have a blog, link up your thoughts each week. Please sign up here (Bloggers ONLY) so I can e-mail you more details.


2. Read the blog posts and join the discussion in the comments section each week.

If you don't have the book, click here to purchase it on Amazon.

I started reading the "Getting Started" section today, and I have already been highlighting, using sticky notes, and making notes!

I hope you'll join me!


  1. Excited to join! I got the book last summer and never had time to get to it! So glad their is a book study!!

    1. Yay Danielle! It's more fun to read it with others anyway, right? 😉


  2. I feel so clueless but how do I find my way back to then participate in the comments once the sections have been read?

    1. No worries, Nicole. because I'm hosting the book study, I will have a link up on my page for other bloggers also. You will be able to hop from blog to blog to read all of our thoughts if you want and feel free to comment on any of them to get the discussion going. I'm also planning to open up some discussion on my Facebook page. 😊 Feel free to email me if you still have questions .


  3. I can't wait! Last year (my first year teaching), our school was using this book. I didn't finish reading it all and couldn't take a copy with me. I'm looking forward to this study!

    1. First year teaching I'm surprised you had any time for reading! 😉 Glad to have you join us!


  4. I am excited to join in the book study! Thanks

  5. I don't have a blog, but I look forward to participating in this book study with you! Thanks for the opportunity!

    1. Thanks for following along, Melissa! Looking forward to collaborating with you. :-)


  6. I like the ideal of putting the assessment on the table ,so that they may have the opportunity to recognize what they missed and set goals for themselves and you the teacher be the overseer.

    1. Yes! When students set their own goals, they are much more engaged in accomplishing them!

