Thursday, June 29, 2017

The Reading Strategies Book Study - Getting Started

 Hey there! I'm so glad you are joining me and some of my blogging friends for The Reading Strategies Book study!

Before I start discussing the "Getting Started" section, I wanted to take a minute to share a couple of goodies that might interest you.

The Heinemann website has lots of goodies on their site about the book, including a study guide.

There is a Facebook group dedicated to the book!

If you still need to get your copy, Amazon might have the best deal.

Here is the schedule for our study:

Now that we have all that out of the way, I want to jump right into the "Getting Started" section of the book. You'll find a few questions along the way that you can answer in the comments! :-)

I'm actually going to start with the last page of the "Getting Started" section (pg. 19) and share my absolute favorite quote. 

This just speaks to my teacher heart!

What is your favorite quote from the "Getting Started" section?


Aside from knowing Serravallo shares an important part of my teaching philosophy, I love how she organized the book into goals. Conferencing and setting goals with my students has always been my absolute favorite part of teaching, but it has also always been a challenge to fit it into my day. I used the Daily 5 structure in my classroom. Most of my one-on-one conferences were on Fridays (when I would not have Time with Teacher) or during morning tub time as kids trickled in from breakfast. That is one thing I am excited about for my new position as a reading specialist--more time to work one-on-one and with small groups!

How do you fit in time for conferencing and/or goal-setting?

This last year I incorporated Data Binders (PSA - If you're looking for a resource to use for data binders, check out this FREE, editable version from The Curriculum Corner) for the first time, and I loved it! My students each had a binder and tracked data for a variety of things. It made prepping for parent teacher conferences a snap too. I would have liked to use the goal section more effectively, and I think reading this book will certainly help me with that.

Here's some of my favorite quotes about goals from the book:

"...goals coupled with teacher feedback make one of the biggest differences on student achievement and progress." (pg. 2)

"...make sure you are matching the right goal to the right reader." (pg. 2)

" to understand each student in your class well enough to be able to articulate a goal for him or her." (pg. 5)

"...when the goal can come from the student, the student will be all the more motivated to work on it." (pg. 5) YES! YES! YES!


Serravallo defines strategies as the deliberate, effortful, intentional, and purposeful actions a reader takes to accomplish a specific task or skill. She continues to explain that our goal should be for our readers to outgrow the strategies! In other words, as a student masters a strategy, it will become automatic and resurface when he or she needs it. YES!

"The strategy is a temporary scaffold, and like any scaffolding it needs to be removed." (pg. 9)

"...introduce one strategy at a time, guide the student in practicing the strategy, and move on to a new strategy when the student appears to be secure with the first one." (pg. 9)

Give an example of a temporary scaffold you already use in your classroom (any subject) and tell us how you make sure it is temporary.


The examples of all the visuals were amazing--and they are all throughout the book! I really like the idea of creating a visual reminder for each reader so they are reminded of what they are working on (especially liked Lilli's Reading Goals on pg. 8).

Check out these characteristics of a helpful chart or tool:
--clear and as simple as possible
--low on text
--have icons, pictures, and/or color-coding
--appropriate for the age and readability level of the students
--clear headings

Prompts and Feedback

I definitely need to work on this area. After reading this section, I can see that I am sometimes way too wordy which means I am doing most of the work!

"...try to phrase my prompts in as few words as possible." (pg. 11) 

"...gentle nudges, to encourage the child to do the thinking, talking, jotting, and working through the strategy with me as a guide." (pg. 11)

Taken from page 11 of The Reading Strategies Book.
That sums up my thoughts of the "Getting Started" section. I'm excited to dig into the first and second goals and strategies next week. We will be choosing two or three favorite strategies from each goal and sharing how we use or will use them in our classroom. 
No blog? No problem. You can still share your favorites and ideas on how to use them in the comments section. :-) 
I can't wait to read everyone's great ideas!

To join in the discussion this week, answer these questions in the comments below (and/or simply share your thoughts on the "Getting Started" section): 

What is your favorite quote from the "Getting Started" section?

How do you fit in time for conferencing and/or goal-setting?

Give an example of a temporary scaffold you already use in your classroom (any subject) and tell us how you make sure it is temporary.

Now continue the study by hopping along to visit the other blogger's posts to see what they have to say!

P.S. I posted early this week to make sure the link up was working properly. The remaining weeks really will be on Fridays (see dates listed on the schedule).

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Wisdom for Wednesday-Praying and Worrying

We all have things almost daily that can occur that can cause us to immediately do that dreaded word that can have such a negative effect on us emotionally and physically:  worry!

It's something that starts in us as early as childhood.  Stemming from worrying about a test you have to take to worrying about what your peers think of you.  Then as adults we tend to worry about many things like bills that have to be paid, marriage, relationships and work.  The worrying just continues in all stages of our lives and it seems never ending.

God has a lot to say about worrying in the bible and it is as simple as this quote:  pray more, worry less!
As soon as that anxiety and worrying starts to creep into our lives, we need to immediately pray about it and let God take it from there.  I don't know about you, but I am guilty of spending a full day worrying about something when in reality I should have prayed about it right away.  

I was recently told by a good friend of mine, when this thing during this season of my life that is causing me to worry comes up I need to remember to pray about it and let it go from there.  I can say that when I do that it does help me a lot.  I may be praying a lot throughout the day but I'm giving it to God to work on it!  God will take the matters into his hands, so we can let go of it!

Thanks for joining today for another week of:

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Announcing The Reading Strategies Summer Book Study

Hi there!

I feel like I can start my summer now--for real! 
It has been non-stop craziness around here since school finished, and I am finally looking at some relaxing days ahead (I hope).

I was so excited to get The Reading Strategies Book (affiliate link) by Jennifer Serravallo to read this summer, but I have been so busy that I haven't had a chance to get started. I have heard such great things about this book that I really want to dive in and see what I can learn from Serravallo. Many of you have been posting that this book is also on your summer reading list, so I thought it would be fun to host a book study!

There are two ways you can participate:

1. If you have a blog, link up your thoughts each week. Please sign up here (Bloggers ONLY) so I can e-mail you more details.


2. Read the blog posts and join the discussion in the comments section each week.

If you don't have the book, click here to purchase it on Amazon.

I started reading the "Getting Started" section today, and I have already been highlighting, using sticky notes, and making notes!

I hope you'll join me!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Wisdom for Wednesday - It's Not All About Me!

I'm back! I'm back!

I've had a busy couple of weeks. First, traveling with the girls basketball team to team camp. Then leaving the next day for a week at Silver State Baptist Youth Camp in the Colorado Rockies with our youth group from church. This week is basketball camp for the littles in the morning and VBS in the evening! I'm feeling a little like summer will be over by the time I get to slow down, but I know that is not really true!

The good news is a week of being without the distractions of technology and hearing a lot of good Bible preaching gave me plenty of quotes to pick from for today's Wisdom for Wednesday.

Of course, I had to pick the one that "stung" me the most.
***Youth camp is not just for young people!***

One of the pastors did a series on "Teenagers Out-Of-Step With God" using Jacob and Esau as examples. No, Jacob and Esau were not teenagers when their story is told, but they do exhibit some characteristics that we can see in teenagers (and ourselves). 
Also, remember this is only part of the story. Jacob had his own issues--just not relevant to what I'm trying to share today!

One of the lessons was titled, "Why are teenagers so angry?" and focused on the anger we see from Esau in Genesis 27:34, 41-45. 
As we studied and looked back at verse thirty-one, we saw the words  'me' or 'my' 9 times. 

Esau was angry because he wasn't getting his way. 
Teenagers are often angry when they don't get their way. 
I get angry when I don't get my way!

Before you start thinking I am an 'all-the-time' angry person, let me explain. I had to evaluate when I get angry...and it is usually at work (school). You know...when I'm told we are going to do something a certain way...and I don't like it.

Often times, I am even right and my way would be better!
Or at least I think so...

The Lord convicted me about this attitude and made me realize that even if I think (or know) that my way would be better, it does not excuse my tendency to get angry.

When we get angry when things don't go our way, we are saying, "It's all about me!"

 But our attitude should be, "It's all about Him!" 

If it's all about Him, I'll determine to have the right heart and right response toward my administrators and/or coworkers even if I don't always agree with them.

Now...please tell me I'm not alone! 
This was difficult to admit... :-(

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Dollar Deal Day Has Arrived!

It's another great deal this summer!  Today is the dollar deal day!  Go on over and save on these 2 items that are priced to $1 just for today!

Our 2 top sellers are picked for this deal today:

Make sure you grab them while they are only $1 and check out all the other awesome dollar day deals today!  Be sure to search #bhbflagdollar for all the great deals going on!

Have a great day!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Awesome-Blog Re-Launch and Giveaway!

There are so many exciting things happening this summer.  Katie at Resources by Mrs. Roltgen is having a huge giveaway.  She just redesigned her blog and it looks great!  This giveaway runs from June 13-June 18.  Make sure you head over there to enter for some great prizes!!

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Teacher's Sizzling Summer Deals, Giveaways and Sales throughout the Summer!

We are so excited about the Teacher's Sizzling Summer deals, giveaways and sales that will be happening all summer long!  Make sure you are following along so you don't miss out on any of these special things this summer!  All the great deals will be starting on Wednesday June 14!!

Have a great day!

Friday, June 9, 2017

Reviewing Letters and Sounds

Please tell me you are on summer break! I know I've seen some teachers posting on social media that they are still hanging in there. I hope by now you are relaxing...on a beach...or on your couch. :-)

I had a great blog post planned about Reading Wonders after having a year of it under my belt, but I'm actually scheduling this post before leaving on a trip and I just ran out of time.

Instead, I'm going to share a few of my favorite finds since my pinteresting focus has changed from 2nd grade to more of that intervention position I will hold next year.

I love this post from Mrs. Ricca's Kindergarten, especially since working with kindergartners in reading will be new to me.

Again, with the Kinders. This time some pre-writing activities from PreKinders.

And then there is this one...multi-sensory letters from Teach Me Mama

As you can see, in my new position, I might be most nervous about finding new ways to review letters and sounds with my kinders. I'll be a little nervous working with upper elementary too, but I'll save that for another day of pinning. :-)

Have a great week! 

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Wisdom for Wednesday - Seek Him

Good morning!

I hope this Wednesday finds you well, and glad you stopped by for a little wisdom. :-)

I have yet to load some things on my new computer, so I'm just going to use one of the pictures that I posted earlier this week on IG and FB to share this week's quote. 
***By the way, I'd love to know how many of you reading this only follow us on our blog. Please, pretty please, comment and let me know! 

Are you seeking to know the Lord?

I just love this passage! 

We can't glory in our wisdom, our might, or our riches. 

We can glory in this, that we understand and know God.

The only way we can truly know God is through His Word. This is how He speaks to us. We must seek to know Him.

Since publishing my Bible study, There's a Fly in my Tea, I've learned that there are many women out there who desire to study the Word of God. They want to start having "devotions" but they feel like they don't know how.

In truth, there is no right or wrong way to study the Bible. I came across an article this week that talked about some different methods for having devotions that I thought I'd share. She shares some great ideas to help you get started on your own.

I'm also looking to do something online via my Facebook page for those that are interested in a little assistance and accountability. Visit my page and comment on the pinned post to let me know you'd like to do my study along with me!

Have a blessed week!

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Daily Math

Summer is officially here for me, but I am already thinking some about next year.  I have done Daily 5 reading for the past few years and really like it.  Last year, I implemented math groups.  For some reason, math groups are just hard for me.  Although, I believe it was really good for the kids, so I'm looking at how I can arrange it next year.  This year I had 3 rotations-1.  Work with teacher  2.  Moby Max on ipads  3.  Seat work.  It was OK, but I'd like to incorporate some more hands on activities but not quite sure how to do it and/or organize it.  So, anyone who is doing math groups and rotations, I'd love to hear what you are doing and how you are doing it.  I look forward to hearing about your math groups!

Have a great day!