Saturday, April 29, 2017

Five for Friday - Push and Pull, Sidewalk Spelling, and Getting Orgnaized

Hey there!

It is a cold, dreary, rainy day here. Perfect day for curling up on the couch and doing a whole lot of nothing. I did try to muster up the "motivation" to at least go price some wood for my next home project, but even that didn't seem so appealing as I stood at the door and thought of running to my truck in the pouring rain. So I settled back on the couch and here I am...

Here's a peek at my week Five for Friday style:


I just love the way I have been able to teach science this year! Our little school has kind of a creative schedule without anyone to teach "specials" and in the past my prep time for teaching K-2 science was nonexistent. This year, I get a few minutes during morning recess to get ready and I have been able to prepare and do so many more fun activities. 

Here are some pics from a Push and Pull activity we did (idea from here):


I bought sidewalk chalk for my kiddos a LONG time ago with the intention of doing some sidewalk spelling. We finally had a nice enough day on Monday to go for it. When they were done spelling, of course, we had time for free drawing. 


This is my favorite thing from this week--a new calendar and message board in the teachers' workroom! I had this crazy idea because during our lunch period, we are always making plans and then forgetting to tell someone who wasn't there at the time. I shared my idea with two of our amazing paras and they did the work to get it done in time for this busy time of year. Did I mention they are amazing? 


We had an extra FUN Friday yesterday because I broke out the paints and brought a washers game from home.

These paint trays are awesome!


Each year, our students make a quilt square and we have a wonderful lady who turns it into a beautiful quilt. The quilt gets auctioned off at our spring program. This year we did one with our school colors and mascot. It turned out great!

Have a great rest of your weekend (hope you get some sunshine)!

P.S. Does anyone else think Apple sabotages your old phone camera in an effort to make you upgrade? My pictures used to be AMAZING and now...ugh! Maybe I'm just crazy, but...


  1. We had lots of rain Tuesday-Thursday, and then it cleared up! I'm glad because we had a field trip yesterday! I love the idea of getting outside for spelling. I may need to do that this week!
    Laughter and Consistency

  2. Love the sidewalk spelling! My granddaughter and I draw pictures on the sidewalk and I write the names of the animals. She can't read yet, but it can't hurt. Thanks for sharing.
    Once a Teacher, Always a Teacher

    1. I love this! And you are absolutely right, it can't hurt! :-)

