Monday, November 21, 2016

Monday Madness!

Happy Monday!  I had to title this one Monday Madness because I have random things that I am posting about so hang on for this madness.  :-)

1.  Connect Four Game-my kids love playing connect four games.  Here they are practicing their sight words with the connect four game.

2.  Dice solution!  I'm not sure why it took me so long to figure this one out.....but it did.  I personally have a hard time listening to dice rolling around in the room on the floor or tables.  I finally realized that if the kids had a folder to roll it on, it would be a lot less noise.  I also told them that if their dice goes off the folder then they lose a turn.  Boy are they really careful when they roll their dice now.

3.  Sight Word Prize-In one of my earlier posts, I told you how my co-teacher and I had given a pinwheel to the students that practiced and learned their 1st nine weeks sight words.  I'm excited to say that this second nine weeks they are trying to earn these pencils.  I love how first graders think things are the best.  When I showed them the pencil that they could earn if they practiced and learned their second nine weeks sight words, they were so excited.  

4.  Finally, I had a student come in to the classroom in the morning and hand me this note.  He told me that he had written the note to me the night before because he knew he had to leave for an appointment early and that I was going to miss him.  He said that he hoped the note would make me feel better since he had to leave early.  I love these notes!

Have a great day!

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