Saturday, October 1, 2016

Let's Catch Up (Five for Friday style)!

Hey there!

The last couple weeks have been absolutely CRAZY for me between teaching, coaching volleyball (Saturday tournaments every weekend), and this last week's parent teacher conferences. I actually just got home from our JV tournament, so I am about ready to CRASH.

So thankful to Kacey over at Doodlebugs for this linky!

First, my kids are loving these new books we got from Usborne Books. We had a book fair through them last Spring and got a lot of books for our library. Woohoo! These two are easy chapter books for my beginning 2nd graders who have been "dying" to check out chapter books!

Second, I love morning tubs! 
Who knew? 
The creativity and opportunity for socialization before we get down to business is perfect!

Third, when the HEAVY pillows someone gave you work like a weighted blanket for a student who really needs one...BONUS!

Fourth, we are rocking our Daily 5! 
There was one day this week, when I looked around and was just super impressed. 
The read-to-self kiddos were reading. 
The word-working kiddos were working with words. 
The work-on-writing kiddos were writing. 
I literally had to take a moment and soak it in. 
Then I gave them all Super Improver stickers because we have improved so much!

Fifth, we have been talking a lot about this kind of thing at school...teaching independence. 
This sums it up perfectly!

So parents and teachers...teach your kids to be independent! It may not be perfect when they are learning. They may make mistakes. But in the end they will be building confidence and gaining independence to prepare them for LIFE!

Happy weekend!


  1. Replies
    1. They are awesome! New to me last year. We were worried about prices for our book fair, but turned out great!
