Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Wisdom for Wednesday - Rejoice Evermore!

Happy Wednesday!

My Pastor has been preaching through I Thessalonians and we are into chapter five, so this week's quote comes from one of his sermons on verse 16:

Rejoice evermore.
I Thessalonians 5:16

I consider myself a pretty joyful person (and I hope those around me would say the same thing), but every once in awhile I do allow my circumstances to affect my attitude. 

When my Pastor said this, I promptly made sticky notes (I heart sticky notes) to put in various places as a reminder. He went on to say this (which got several sticky notes as well):

Rejoice evermore is not based on my circumstance--but on my God!

Don't you love that? No matter what is going on around us we can still rejoice because of our God. We can rejoice in His deliverance, His mercy, His grace…the list could go on.

Here's a few of my favorite reasons to REJOICE!

In the Word!
 (Psalm 19:7-11, 138:1-2)

In what God has done, is doing, and will do!
 (Psalm 5:11-12 and Psalm 13:5-6)

In hope!
(I Peter 1:3-9)

Thanks for stopping by for this week's:

Have a wonderful day! 
Make it a joyful one!


  1. Oh, seems like I need this at this time of the yea! Sara

  2. I've had the words "Go out with joy and be led forth with peace..." on my heart lately. It fits well with your post today. :)
