Friday, August 12, 2016

Five for Friday--Final Days of Freedom!

Happy Friday!

I know from following teachers on Instagram, Facebook, and blogs that some of you are already back to work, but I have a little more time.

I technically report to work on August 22nd. School starts on August 25th.

However, since I'm the assistant high school volleyball coach I feel like I go back to work next week. We start practicing twice a day on Monday so it seems like this has been my last week of true summer freedom. ;-)

Here's what I've been up to (Five for Friday style):
Thanks Kacey! P.S. Check out her post. Looks like some awesome Back to School Math Centers for firsties!


Eeek! Exciting news about the Bible study I wrote. I found out awhile ago that it was going to be published, but it got very real this week after talking to my marketing consultant.

Picture explanations...
1. I did not have makeup on or my hair done (summer break, you know) so I had to hide. LOL!
2. My Bible study is called There's a Fly in my Tea! My pastor's wife gave me the plaque when I first started writing. It was a great reminder to trust the Lord through the whole process!

2 and 3

I have a lot to do for my publisher and marketing consultant, and it is causing me to stress out a little bit. 

So lucky you, I turn to creating TPT products for a distraction. 

What can I say? It is therapeutic for me.
Click the picture to check out the pack! Discounted for a limited time.
 These elephant graphics are exactly why I force myself to stick to a "kid theme." I LOVE them! Just like I love the Robots. The Monsters. The Bugs. Kristi's Hedgehogs. You get the idea. I'd be changing my theme all the time! 

The pack is fully editable, so I created a few posters to show what could be done with it. Click the picture below to get the posters for free!

Another freebie below. I have been wanting to update my Morning Routine posters (also my math rotation posters), so I got that done. I decided to make them editable for you too. :-)


I saw this on IG and just about died laughing! Then I tried very hard to figure out how I could have the sign without a camping theme. ;-)


And finally, a new favorite quote from Elisabeth Elliot.

That's it, friends!

Now I really must get to work...for real. 
No more distractions. 
Oh, wouldn't a kid theme with the blue and gray papers be cute?



  1. Your Bible study is being published! That's so great. I love Elisabeth Elliot and Amy Carmichael. Thanks for sharing that quote. I'm enjoying my last days of summer, too. I go back on the 29th, and students start on the 31st. Have a good weekend!
    Laughter and Consistency

    1. Enjoy your final days of "freedom," Jan! Thanks for stopping by!


  2. That's a great quote! I would love to know more info on your Bible study!!
    And girl, I am the MASTER of creating decorations as a form of procrastination!

    Teaching Voracious Learners

  3. Congrats about being published! Thats amazing. And I love that sign about feeding the teacher lol I want to include it in my room too!
