Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Wisdom for Wednesday - Proper Perspective

Hello there!

I have to say it is a wonderful day! I have taken deeper breaths today than I have in over a week! You might remember that I am waiting for shoulder surgery - now scheduled soon, Lord willing! - and I think favoring it finally took a toll on my back and neck. 

I cannot even begin to describe the pain I've been in the last week and a half, but thankfully today with an ultra-scary crack at the chiropractor I am finally getting some relief. All I can say is my husband definitely got some practice combing my hair and other "fun" things because I could not even lift my yes, it is a great day!

How many of you like going to the chiropractor?
I have to say it is not on my list of favorite things to do.

This was my fourth appointment and still not getting the relief I needed (I'm leaving for DC in less than a week!) I explained and demonstrated to my chiropractor (a sister in Christ) that when I knelt to pray if I popped my shoulder in and out (ouch!), it seemed to give me some relief in my back and neck area. 

I was pretty sure I sounded crazy, but she was very excited and said she had been praying about the move we needed to do and felt the Lord leading her to it (sorry I don't remember the technical terms, but it is apparently something few people need). 
Anyway, now she was sure and went for it. 

That is all.

 Enough about about a little wisdom?

I'm doing two Bible studies right now (long story about how/why I'm doing both, but...). Both are by Mary A. Kassian and Nancy Leigh DeMoss. I'm almost done with the first one True Woman 101: Divine Design and just started the second one True Woman 201: Interior Design. I would highly recommend both!

 The full quote is this... 
"When we see God as He is--in His awesome greatness, majesty, goodness, and love--we will have a proper perspective on ourselves."

It goes on to say, "We will marvel at what it means to be created in His likeness and to be loved by Him. And we will be motivated to treat others with respect and grace, recognizing that even the most depraved sinner is a bearer of His image, distorted as that image may be."

It is humbling to think how much God loves us, cares for us, and wants to be a part of our lives. And as they suggest in the study, remembering that forces us to see others as we should as well.

Hope you are having a great week--whether you are out of school or not! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, all good thoughts! Bless that shoulder of yours. A bum shoulder is not fun!
