Thursday, January 28, 2016

Wisdom for Wednesday - Mountain Top Experiences

Good morning! I'm late with this post and I have absolutely no excuse. I was even off work yesterday (for a funeral), had the post mostly finished, and just completely forgot. So…here's some wisdom for us (a day late)!

I'll admit I would love for my life to be full of mountain top experiences, but it simply doesn't work that way. Some times, I'm in the valley. And most times, I'm just walking on the plains (so to speak). 

The mountain top experiences may be rare, but they are meant for God's purpose. Those experiences encourage me to keep pressing on as I trudge across the plains or seek to climb out of the valleys of life.

Mountain top experience? 

Enjoy it, remember it, and never take it for granted!


  1. It's kind of like the classroom. The mountaintop moments keep us going from day to day. That's how I feel this year. :)

    1. Definitely, Tammy! I'm feeling the same this year.

