Friday, January 22, 2016

My Para's Name is Jackie

I have to tell you a funny story about my para (HER NAME IS JACKIE) this evening before I jump in to my post about student data.  

I'm really not used to people I work with following my blog, Instagram, Twitter, etc. but this year I have a new (to my room) para. Jackie (and my principal--eek!) has been doing just that. Yesterday, I posted this picture saying something like...

"My para and I got in on the art fun today..."

Later that night, I saw Jackie at our basketball game. She jokingly said, "Hey, Crystal! Does your para have a name?"

I explained that I didn't know if she wanted me to share her name, so here it you know, my para's name is Jackie.

And Jackie and my principal were both bothered that I didn't explain the sunflowers were not yet finished, so here you go:

Speaking of that game, it was LATE! We were scheduled to play at 8:30 in the league semifinals at a college 1 1/2 hours away. We played at home at 12:45 a.m. This was my face this morning when I got to school:

Thankfully, we won! We play in the championship tomorrow--pretty exciting for a team who didn't even make it into the tournament two years ago! Our boys play in the semifinals tonight, so we'll see where they end up...

Okay, moving on to data. Monday at our inservice, I went to a session about students charting their own data and creating a data notebook. One of the things the presenter included in her data notebooks was a Hot Read/Cold Read graph. The same one that I use in a fluency folder. I've shared it before, but I thought I'd give you a flashback to that post in case you missed it.  

***From March 17, 2014***

Hi there! I'm still enjoying my spring break...headed to visit friends today. :-)

I thought I'd pop in to share something that has really sparked some fire in my readers.

Several weeks ago, I wanted to find a way for my kiddos to chart their own WCPM. I usually entered their data in an Excel spreadsheet which created a bar graph, but I knew the kids would benefit from seeing their chart more. I found this handy FREEBIE from A Peach for the Teach. It is a cold read/hot read fluency graph.

With the help of my awesome para, we have created a system that works wonderfully. Each kiddo has a folder with their name. The cold read/hot read graph is stapled on one side of the folder. For my struggling readers, I also included the sight word checklists from our Super Sight Word Packs on the other side of the folder. My para pulls the kiddos on Thursday or Friday of each week. They review the sight words (if needed) and then read their hot read (the one they have been practicing for the week) and the new cold read. The kids are practically crawling over the table to see how they have improved! Yippee!

***Me again--present day!***

Next year, I plan to expand this into a data notebook. I know it motivates the kids and can see the benefits of them charting their own data. If you haven't given it a try, these folders are an easy start!

Have a great weekend! Wish us luck at the tournament!


  1. Lovely sunflowers! I saved the photo when I saw it on IG, so that we can make them on Friday. I really have wanted to do student recording, but just haven't got the system into place, maybe this will help. Thanks for great ideas!!!

  2. There's talk of getting me a para, but I'd need to share her with the other first grade teacher who also has 26 kids. (Too many.) I've never had a para before, but I can envision some ways I would use one for sure.
