Saturday, December 19, 2015

Merry Christmas Break!

Merry Christmas break!!!

I'm so excited to be relaxing on my couch as I type work, no housework, no nothing! I saw this on FB and thought...yep, that sums it up for today. ;-)


I thought I'd share a few pictures from yesterday, our "Grinch Day" (and we thankfully had early dismissal)!

Presents wrapped and ready to go late Thursday night (so much for being ahead...).

We started the day caroling at our local gas station/restaurant (remember we are in a VERY small town--it's the only business in town). 

Then we gathered all 50 K-2 kids in the gym (I mean Whoville) for a showing of The Grinch. 

This is me feeling pretty excited about the short day and upcoming vacation.

Halfway through the movie, we stopped for some Grinch inspired snacks. Our Title I teacher, paraeducator, and PTO all chipped in to make these cute goodies!

After the movie, we had yummy pizza brought in from previously mentioned store/restaurant. Love pizza parties!

Then our class Christmas party (before dismissing at 12:30--yikes--talk about packing in the FUN).
 We reviewed our CHAMPS expectations and the kids did an awesome job!

 The generosity of my students (and their families) always overwhelms me this time of year. Our PTO had us fill out a "wish list" this year. It was fantastic! I'm completely stocked up on dark chocolate--I have 1 piece after lunch most every day--along with plenty of my other favorite things. So sweet!

And finally... 

This was me at 4:00 yesterday afternoon. EXHAUSTED!

Enjoy your break!


  1. I want to have a Grinch day next year. It looks so fun! Merry Christmas, happy resting!!!

  2. I'll be on vacation when the kids leave tomorrow at 1:25ish. I'm excited! We had our party today so tomorrow should be fairly low-key. Enjoy your break!
    Laughter and Consistency
