Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wisdom for Wednesday - Complete Reliance

Good morning!

This week's quote needs little in the way of introduction, so let's just get right to it.

This quote speaks to me right now!

I'm tired!

I'm fighting some kind of sinus cold.

I coached away volleyball matches on Monday and Tuesday night.

 Last night we got home at 10:30 or so--which is way past my bedtime. Seriously.

I'm tired!

Coaching VB has left me with little free time, so my house is not as clean as I'd like. 

I can't even get Kristi on the phone! We've been playing phone tag for WEEKS!

I'm tired!

My class is far from where I would like them to be (academically and behaviorally--but we are making progress).

Field trip next week. Yikes!

Parent-teacher conferences are later this month.

I'm tired!

All of these things that pile up and exhaust me are reminders of how I must completely and totally rely on God. 

I simply cannot do all that I need to do or want to do in my own strength.

I must rely on the Lord to help me through.

He is, after all, the one who knows my struggles and circumstances better than anyone else. 

I've been reading through Psalms and got to chapter thirty-one yesterday. David trusted the Lord completely. He calls Him my rock, my defense, my fortress, my strength. David let faith be lived out in his confidence in the LORD through difficulties.

I want to be that way!

What about you?

1 comment:

  1. I hear you. I'm tired too. God sent me two cheerleaders this week. I know he was reminding me that He's on my side.
