Saturday, October 17, 2015

Five for Friday (on Saturday)!

Hello there! I hope you had a great week!

It was a little crazy for me, as you will see by my pictures. 

I'm very excited to be at home this Saturday though! No volleyball tournament. We have sub-state next week. I really hope we can make it to state for obvious reasons, but selfishly it would also get me out of the Halloween party at school. Ha!

Anyway, I'll jump right in with my Five for Friday pictures. Thanks to Kacey at Doodle Bugs for this fun and easy linky party each week!


We had staff development yesterday at school. It was a great day, but I found some time for doodling. I promise I was listening--our last presenter said we should let students doodle, just saying!

We had some great technology presentations!

Lots of new ideas whirling in my brain…just wish we were 1:1 iPads and didn't have to share. :-/ 

I plan to share more about the technology as I play with it. 


I snapped a couple of pictures of some things in our building we are using to promote POSITIVE attitudes and KINDNESS.

The kindness tree is for the kids. When we notice them doing an extra special act of kindness, they get to add an apple to the tree. There should probably be WAY MORE apples! It is hard to remember, but I'm working on it. The other teachers and adults are too.

P.S. Yes, it bothers me a bit that we are putting apples on the trunk instead of it "growing" from the branches! But I'm picky like that…

This next one is for the staff.

It has been great to see so many staff "shout-outs!" It was especially fun to see the notes left anonymously by either administrators or board members after they toured our building one night. 


I'm almost done reading Teach Like A Pirate.
Two words: Inspirational and Motivating

It is challenging me to keep honing my teaching skills and think outside the box to create effective and engaging lessons. 


I should have  bought the bigger container for my "Smart Tags!"
That's all I can say about that…


Thursday we took our annual field trip to the Pumpkin Patch. They had these new wooden play vehicles this year. Too cool to pass up a photo opportunity!

Extra Credit?

I finally got to watch Chaz run this week! 

Every other time, there has been conflicts between cross country and my coaching volleyball. 

I'm so thankful he has recovered so well from knee surgery. He is not as fast as he was last year, but he is shaving off time at each meet so he is getting there. 

Now… I think it is time for a nap! ;-)


  1. I love the "Spread a little sunshine" wall! After reading Move Your Bus, a few of us have been in the "Sunshine Group" and giving shoutouts in mailboxes. I like the wall idea better!!
    Mrs.Christy’s Leaping Loopers

    1. The mailbox idea is good too. I know there are times when I just need a little "sunshine" to brighten my day, so I want to try to encourage others too. Sounds like your group is on the right track!


  2. We have a similar staff board at our school this year. Also, I love Teach Like a Pirate. It challenges me to think, reflect, etc. which is good for me.

    1. Yes, Tammy, the book is great! If I'm not careful it is a little discouraging because I can see how much room I have to improve. But instead I'm trying to focus on growing as a teacher a little at a time!


  3. I love the kindness tree and sunshine wall. We could definitely use those at our school to promote some positivity. :)

    1. It has been fun thinking of things to put on the "Sunshine" board. I feel bad because I forget to give apples out for kindness sometimes. I need to do better this week!

