Saturday, October 31, 2015

Candy Science, Homework Club, and CHAMPing a Class Party

Hey there!

Linking up with Kacey from Doodlebugs for Five for Friday tonight.
We had a fun week in second grade and K-2 science class. All of my science classes had completed their science skills unit and we were ready for some experimenting! Of course, I took to Pinterest for inspiration.

We started with What Dissolves? to become familiar with the term dissolve so we could do Dissolving Pumpkins.

The kids had a great time and hopefully learned a little bit too. I, unfortunately, ate way too much candy! ;-)

I had lunch with my Homework Club on Wednesday. We watched Magic School Bus--Haunted House.

We do team "STAR Homework." Each month, everyone starts in the Homework Club. If they earn 4 stars each week, they stay in the club and we eat in the classroom once a month.

My district did close school in honor of our volleyball team making it to state. That meant our Halloween party and parade were moved to Thursday. I had to leave early to head to the state tournament in Hays, Kansas with the team. I was more than a little worried about my rowdy group having their class party without me, so we "CHAMPed" it on Wednesday and reviewed it before I left on Thursday.

I had a good report from the para who is usually in my room, so I'm feeling a little proud of my bunch! She said, "They did great!"

Speaking of state volleyball... I love this picture from the sub-state championship. The excitement as they celebrated the match-winning point was awesome!

We didn't do well at state...nerves definitely got the best of us. But it was a fun season and we had much success to celebrate. A 34-6 record is still very impressive!

I was disappointed to not make it out of pool play at state, but it did free me up to watch my niece run in the state cross country meet.

I was tired just running from place to place to watch. These athletes are amazing!

 My niece took 12th! Woohoo!

And finally...

This might be the first school picture I didn't immediately hide. Ha!

Have a great week!


  1. I'd be nervous if I had to be absent during a class party too, especially with the kiddos I have this year. I'm glad to hear yours did so well. Your picture is delightfully sweet. :)

    1. Thanks, Tammy! My class actually did a pretty amazing job during Daily 5 this morning too. Maybe we are getting there!

