Friday, August 7, 2015

Five for Friday -- Classroom Setup!

Happy Friday!

And it is happy! I spent the week working in my classroom. My goal was to have it completely set up (insert picture of clean, pretty classroom all set up--can you believe I forgot to take one as I left??? I promise I'll do a reveal when I go back.). Now I can relax next week--my last week before reporting on August 17th! Yikes!

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs for Five Four for Friday again.
I'm a bad blogger and didn't take very many pictures today!


I got a new phone, and I am loving the quality of the pictures I'm getting!

Just look at those pencil sharpeners! My kiddos use these on their colored pencils ONLY because my sharpener doesn't like colored pencils. 
I took this picture only because I needed to show our school secretary what to order--somehow got missed on my supply list.


My "Be" board is complete.

I bought these wooden letters at Wal-Mart. My daughter painted them orange, hot glued thumb tacks on the back, and here you have it.

I'm going to add words to the board after we talk about them. 
First up:

I purchased the words from Tonya's Treats for Teachers--reasonable price made them a HUGE time saver!
I took the "Be" board pictures this morning when I was still energetic and thinking about my blog post. Ha!


My new student packs--also something I did early in the day so I remembered the picture!

 I used this for my G is for Genius Instagram post because, well, it is genius! Not sure where I first saw the idea, but after my first year of teaching and rushing around to gather items for my new students, I knew this was the answer! Inside these bags is everything I need to quickly get prepared for a new little person to join my classroom. ;-)

In case you're wondering, the flip book is an editable FREEBIE from Pride and Primary.


This picture...I actually took, added the writing, and sent to my principal with the message: Not happy! :(

Don't be worried for me. 
My principal is a friend, so I can do this sort of thing and not get in trouble. Ha! 

The technology people installed WiFi routers in our rooms, and apparently my principal forgot to let me know this messy installation was only temporary. 

Huge sigh of relief!

A few minutes after reassuring me this was not the finished install, he sent me a text wanting to know how to write on pictures. LOL!

And that's all I've got...

Have a great weekend!


  1. I'm jealous! I go back on the 17th, too, but I haven't even set foot in my room yet. Next week will be busy for me. I love the new student bags. Thanks for sharing that. I hope you enjoy your last week of vacation.

    1. Oh, I hope you enjoy the setup this week! Mine took longer because I decided to rearrange my room--why, oh why? Ha! It does feel more spacious so I think I'm going to like it. :-)


  2. Crystal,
    I wish I had another week to relax and set-up, I'm returning this Monday. Life is about to get back to crazy, busy speed, but I truly love every minute of it! I love the idea of hot gluing thumb tacks to the back of your "BE" letters. I would have never thought of this! Enjoy your week of relaxation!

    1. Thanks, Ashley! I hope your first week is amazing! Love how you put it--back to crazy, busy speed. I dread that part of it, but I absolutely love what I do!


  3. Yay for you being all done! Excited to see your reveal! :) Enjoy your last week of summer!

    1. Thanks, Sarah! I felt so relieved last night and then I had my first back-to-school nightmare! Ha!


  4. IT people do important jobs, BUT they typically don't look at things from a teacher's point of view. When I found out yesterday that my IT guy wanted to move my computers my stomach started doing flips. :)

    1. Ha! So true, Tammy. Thankfully, they did come back and my room looks much better now!

