Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Wisdom of Wednesday - How We View Ourselves

Good morning! Crystal here.

**Warning--total transparency ahead!**

If you follow me on Instagram, you know I posted this picture on Saturday. I attended a Ladies Conference with the theme of "Trash to Treasure" and Psalm 139:14 as the theme verse. The lessons and messages were all centered around low self-esteem and/or feelings of inferiority. The answer is, of course, seeing ourselves as God sees us which led me to this quote.

The quote comes from Lies Women Believe and the Truth that Sets Them Free.

I didn't consider myself as someone who had low self-esteem or feelings of inferiority, but as the lessons began I realized I do have some "issues."

I had to admit there are times when I'm not comfortable being me.  

Not sure how to explain that, but I will try...

I'm a "tomboy."
I'm not good with decorating, fashion, hair, or makeup.
I struggle to make conversation.
I wonder after a conversation if I really sounded as dorky as I thought.
I keep others at a distance.
I have a hard time "investing" in others.
I have failed in some areas of my life.

This weekend, I realized that I was allowing some of those "issues" to become excuses in my life. Excuses why I wasn't good enough or wasn't able to do what the Lord wanted me to do.

Instead of focusing on those "issues," I need to focus on God and Who He is!

God created me. 
He knows my flaws--and my strengths.
He loves me just the way I am.
He loves me despite my past failures.
He has prepared me for what He has prepared for me.

If you struggle with low self-esteem and feelings of inferiority, I'd encourage you to read Judges 6-7, the story of Gideon, with this in mind: God took a "zero" and made him a hero. Take special notice of Judges 6:12 when the angel of the Lord called Gideon a "mighty man of valour" while he was hiding from the Midianites!

Thanks for joining me for another issue of Wisdom for Wednesday! If you enjoyed it, please comment. I'll be wondering if I was too dorky...too transparent...too...well, you get the idea!

Have a blessed day!


  1. No you were not dorky! I thank you for your thoughts. They were a good reminder to me. God is so good! Blessings to you and your family!

    1. Hi Tina! Thanks for taking time to comment. It means a lot to me--especially after such an open post!


  2. Glad you had a link to your blog on Instagram! Taking our masks off and living transparent lives takes a lot of humility and courage, but it pays off in depth of relationship and accountability, and it brings God glory. So thankful for your heart! Love you, my friend!

    1. Hey there! Glad you found me online. It has been so fun getting to know you and thankful for your encouragement!


  3. Yay! You got some comments. I don't think you're dorky -- I think you are brave! I have issues with self esteem -- I've been doing Angela watson's Awakened study this summer -- so eye opening. Thanks for being willing to share!

  4. You totally described me when you made your list up there. For example, I'm terrible at small talk. Some people make it look so easy, while I have to work at it. It almost feels like a chore. Ugh. Anyway, I get you, and I'm so thankful that God gets us.

    1. I'm glad you "get me!" Also glad we have connected online--You are a blessing to me!


  5. Hmm... I can totally relate. I definitely place too much emphasis on what others will think of me, rather than focusing on what God thinks of me. I love throughout that story of Gideon that he's like... me? Are you sure? Hold on... Are you for real? Wait... Ok, I'll trust you. I can totally relate with that, too. God does value us. He does delight in us. He does have a purpose and a plan for each one of us. I love how you said that God is preparing me for what He has prepared for me.
    Thanks for sharing! :)
