Friday, July 10, 2015

July Currently

I have linked up with Farley for her July Currently.
Listening-We have been having some thunderstorms the last few days here in Kansas.  It has been nice because it has given us a break from the heat.
Loving-I feel so much better when I get some things done off my to do list.
Thinking-where has the summer gone?  I can't believe it is already July.  We will be back in school soon!
Wanting-I've been wanting to relax on the couch and watch a good movie. 
Needing-I haven't taken my daily nap that I've grown to love this summer.  It has been awhile since I've taken one and I am ready for one now.  :-)
All-I am not much of a shopper but when I do shop I like to find bargains and make sure I save!
Don't forget to link up and do your Currently for this month!
Have a great day!


  1. Hey Kristi, I know what you mean about the to do list, sometimes the list itself can be overwhelming :) Love it when it's all marked off. Enjoy your summer break

    1. I love having those marks down for sure! Enjoy your summer break as well.

  2. Hi Kristi!

    I haven't seen any good movies but if you have Netflix I highly recommend Drop Dead Diva (series)! So good!

    Hope you're having a wonderful summer!!

    1. Thanks for the recommendation! I do have Netflix so I will have to try that one out. Have a great summer!
