Saturday, June 20, 2015

Five for Friday (a day late)!

Good morning!

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs again for Five for Friday to give you a peek at my crazy week!


I spent three days with these crazy girls at the Pitt State team basketball camp. My daughter is the short one. We wish the two tallest ones were on our team, but we "borrowed" them for the camp. Ha!


We stayed in the dorms for the camp. Thankfully, I had my own room and retreated for some reading while the girls stayed up watching movies and being loud and crazy.


Dorm life also gave me time to finish up my online class for June--woohoo!

Speaking of dorm life, I'm so thankful I never actually had to stay in a dorm. The trips down the hall to use the restroom and shower,, thank you. Of course, the girls were not bothered by it so maybe it is my age. :-)


I came home to a piece of S'mores cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory thanks to some amazing friends who brought it back from Kansas City. Yum!


And finally, this morning I made breakfast at home. 

Who knew I could miss this simple pleasure so much?

But after a week in Colorado and then the basketball camp, I am more than ready to enjoy the comforts of home for awhile.

Have a great weekend!


  1. I like the comforts of home during the summer too, and I never had to endure dorm life either. I lived with my parents and saved money! :)

    1. I'm hoping my kids will be wise enough to do the same, Tammy! We have three great options within about 30 minutes for college... :-)

