Monday, May 11, 2015

A Very Late May Currently

I will have to say that this is how I am feeling this month......LATE!!!  It seems like I'm behind on everything this month.  But I did make it before the month is halfway over....YAY!  I have linked up late with Farley for Currently!

Listening-We have had quite a few storms these past few days and I can hear the wind blowing.

Loving-I have a nephew getting ready to graduate and I got a graduation invitation from a student that I had in first grade (boy did that make me feel old).  I love that they are graduating and getting ready to start the next part of their journey.

Thinking-I really can't believe that we only have 7 days left in school, it just doesn't seem possible.

Wanting-I love it when it is nice outside and I can just sit and soak in some sun.

Needing-Grade cards are due soon and I really need to get them done.

Summer-I would like to take a trip to Arizona, do some home projects and of course rest up!

Don't forget to link up if you haven't already.

Have a great day!


  1. Only 7 days left. I am kind of jealous :) We still have three weeks left of school :(.. I really could use a break soon :) I can make it

  2. Only 7 more school days?! I am so jealous!! We have 22 but we also don't start school till after Labor day. Enjoy your last few days with your students!!
