Friday, April 3, 2015

Five for Friday - Fractions, ABC Order, and Persuasive Writing

Good morning - and it is good! I'm off today for Good Friday, and for the first time all year, I needed this break! My kids have come back from Spring Break reluctant to use their thinkamabobs (as we say in our spring musical practice...Hats! by John Jacobson and John Higgins which we will perform on May 4th - eek)!

First things first...I saw this on Instagram and I wanted to do an experiment here on the blog.

The consensus on the comments of this IG post seemed to be that some still read blogs, but most only click over when it is advertised on IG or FB. So, please, tell me how you got here today! Leave your thoughts in a comment below. I will use the random number generator thingy and choose a winner for my next Five for Friday picture.


This has been Kristi's labor of love for quite some time and it is finally posted on TPT. Here's a little information about the pack:

Includes 7 games designed to give your students a fun and engaging way to practice fractions and 3 fun fraction worksheets!

2 Connect Four games
Identifying fractions

2 I Have…, Who Has…? Games
Identifying fractions
Game 1 has 22 cards
Game 2 has 22 cards

Memory Game (comes with 42 cards)
Go Fish Game
Scoot Game

Click on over to TPT to check it out. She has it listed at a sale price of only $3 for this weekend!

Check out these persuasive letters. We pretended that our principal was going to take away some of our favorite things about school, and the kids had to convince him to change his mind. They did AMAZING!

This little cutie was definitely the winner. Take a look at that last line!


This class is sometimes a bit of a mystery to me. They are overall a very bright class, so I am completely confused when they struggle with something like alphabetizing and using guide words. These are skills we work on every week using Mountain Language. After spring break--when it seemed our struggle was getting worse instead of better--I went on the hunt for some resources to get some concentrated practice. I'm all ready for a little drill and kill next week...but these look like they will be fun for the kids at least!

The mini-alphabet strips are free from here. Check out ABC War!  for free on TPT, and then the guide words and word cards are from here (also free).


Last, but not least.

My son is doing great! He is rocking out his therapy exercises and working hard to recover. He is still not weight-bearing (three more weeks to go) so the crutches and the Wal-Mart "buggy" are still a big part of our life, but we're celebrating small victories!

Thanks for stopping in for Five for Friday. Don't forget to comment below what brought you here and your thoughts on reading blogs. If you have a blog, link up with Doodlebugs! :-)

P.S. I still read blogs. :-)
P.S.S. If you do want to follow me on Instagram, click here.


  1. I do read blogs when I have many great blogs out there!

  2. Hi Crystal! I definitely still read blogs, I'm always so inspired by other educators. It's like my own personal professional development! I love your persuasive letters. My students are working on opinion writing now and that would be a great activity for them to do, thank you! I hope you enjoy your weekend!

    Teach Talk Inspire

  3. I read blogs! I use Bloglovin' to keep me updated!

  4. Yup. But, I only started reading them recently and I don't use Instagram. :) I may be different and throw off your data.
    Mrs. Thomas' Teachable Moments Blog

  5. I got here from Bloglovin'. I enjoy reading blogs - particularly a few that I read often, like yours. I've slowed down my reading some - but I still enjoy it.

  6. Bloglovin email sent me here today. I read blogs as I dry my hair in the morning or any other spare minutes I have. I learn so much from others but it is hard to fit in.
    Curious firsties

  7. I do read blogs and I check out your blog after I get your email.

  8. I still read them but not as often as before. I don't get as many comments as I used to so it feels like people aren't reading them like they used to. I got here via feedly. It's my favourite way to follow blogs!

    BL Designs

  9. Thinkamabobs- I love that! I use my blogger dashboard to peruse blogs, but I definitely don't read as many as I used to.
