Friday, March 27, 2015

Five for Friday--Sight Words, Following Directions, and Addition with Regrouping!

Hey there. I remembered to take pictures this week--woohoo! That means you get a peek at my first week back after spring break. As I said yesterday, it has been quite a struggle to get back into my groove. I'm sure next week I'll feel like I'm back on track!

1. Super Sight Word Check-In

I use our Super Sight Word Packs to give my struggling readers extra practice. After testing them on the lists, I print cards for each student with the words that need more practice. They practice reading them and eventually writing them--which they love to do on the table with dry erase markers! :-) Fridays are perfect for this because I usually don't meet with my Daily 5 groups.

2. Following Directions Game - Morning Edition

So this one is a bit of an "aha moment." I have blogged before about what I consider the easiest, best, and most loved management trick ever

Every year, I have had to remind kiddos to do their lunch choice or check their GO Books or do whatever else I have posted on the board. 

This week--probably because it was my first week back from spring break--I just couldn't take it anymore. 

I wanted to shout a few of the following things...

"Read the board!"

"Follow the directions!"

"Why are you working on your work folder when there is a spelling page listed on the board?!?!?!" 

"Why have you forgotten everything over spring break?!"

I did not shout. I promise I did not. I mean, I rarely raise my voice and with this particular class barely have to use my "let's get serious teacher voice." After giving them a few days to "remember" the morning routine, it dawned on me that my handy, dandy "Following Directions Game" would totally work! Oh, the success! Why didn't I think of it before?

Seriously. Go read about the game and try it. You won't be disappointed.

3. March Teacher Birthday Lunch

Every month we celebrate staff/faculty birthdays with a lunch of their choice. We all bring in the requested items and it is always delicious. This time, I signed up for dessert--chocolate pie and crunchy caramel apple pie. Yummy!

4. Regrouping Scoot

I threw in some "fun" math this week. We reviewed addition with regrouping and place value with these scoot cards. This game can be found here from Teaching and Tapas.

We also did an activity where we made a robot on graph paper and found the area and perimeter of it's head, body, arms and legs. That, however, did not turn out as much fun because apparently we need to review area and perimeter...moving on...

5. After-School Visitors

Our secretary has two little sweeties in our school. The one in blue is in my class. The one she is reading to is in Kindergarten. I don't mind them visiting me--especially when it includes reading! On this particular day, she was reading to her little sister and then showing her how to take a Book Adventure test. :-)

That about covers it other than a funny story about me getting stung by a wasp during my most rowdy music class but no picture and you probably had to be there, so...I'll spare you.

Go link up with Doodlebugs if you have a blog!

Enjoy your weekend (and your spring break if you are off this week)!

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