Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Not So Good News...

I'm finally getting around to blogging my Friday post. I have no good excuse for not posting earlier. Worked late last night, and then just plain didn't feel like it! And it has been snowing here most of the day so I have been enjoying some relaxation time.

On Wednesday, I mentioned that I spent Tuesday running my son around for doctor's appointments and tests on his knee. He injured it on Monday during his basketball game. I had hoped it was something minor, but Thursday we got the bad news.

Ruptured ACL.
Tears in the meniscus on both sides.

Just look at this face.

Surgery is scheduled and there will be a long rehab process ahead. He is actually getting around pretty good today...the swelling and fluid finally went down so he has more range of motion.

Prayers appreciated. 

This is one active kid--running and basketball. He's going to have a hard time being on the sidelines for the next 10-12 months. 

And just when I'd given up on the idea of a snow day this year...

It started last night. 
Snowed most of the day. 
Supposed to snow again tomorrow...

As for a snow day on Monday...who knows?

P.S. I strongly dislike winter. I feel that snow is only good if it results in an occasional snow day and I had decided it would be just fine to make it through the winter without one of those this year!


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about this. Poor guy. Bless you both.

    1. Thanks, Tammy. His smile is back and he is moving much easier now. :-) I'm sure recovery after surgery will be tough, but for now he is doing okay!


  2. Aw I'm very sorry to hear about your son's injury. Definitely no fun at all. Here's to a speedy recovery!

    Grade ONEderful
    Barbara Leyne Designs

    1. Thanks, Barb! We're praying for a speedy recovery!

