Monday, February 9, 2015

February Currently Finally!

I finally linked up with Oh Boy Fourth Grade for the February Currently!  I'm a little late at it, but I did get it done.  :-)

Listening-I'm sitting here listening to a lot of kids playing outside because we are having some beautiful weather here in Kansas!
Loving-Over the weekend, the weather was over 70 degrees!  I love this weather!
Thinking-It is so nice to sit out in the sun and grade some papers!
Wanting-I want this weather to last!
Needing-I've been under the weather due to some health issues for almost 30 days now and I am now starting to feel a little better-YAY!  Unfortunately, my house has suffered and it needs a big time cleaning!
Pageant Title-Mrs. Shy Gal-I am not one that likes to be up in front of people!

Make sure you link up!  

Have a great day!


  1. Oh my gosh I would kill to have 70 degree weather and hear kids playing outside... we have 15 degree weather and 6 foot snowbanks here in Boston, and it's still snowing. Want to trade?! It was nice finding your blog :)

    Adventures in Kindergarten

    1. WOW-15 degrees and 6 ft. snowbanks. I'm sorry I wouldn't want to trade. :-) 70 degree weather this time of year is not normal, but I'll take it! I hope that it warms up soon for you! Kristi

  2. 70 degree weather??? AHH!! I am so jealous.
    I hope you are feeling completely better soon! :)

    1. Unfortunately, it is back to being cold again here, but I enjoyed the 70 degrees! Hope it warms up quickly for you! Kristi

    2. Unfortunately, it is back to being cold again here, but I enjoyed the 70 degrees! Hope it warms up quickly for you! Kristi

  3. We had one 60 degree day last week and we sat on the we've had negative real feels and are in the middle of a snow storm. But I love it!

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    If You Give a Teacher a Treat
