Saturday, November 15, 2014

Writing About Science

It's Saturday! 

And I'm at home with no plans to leave!

Can you feel my excitement?

I have not spent a Saturday at home in almost two months, and if you've followed the blog very long you know how tough this has been on me. 

I confess, I'm a homebody!

I had big plans to celebrate this occasion by deep-cleaning the house, but it seems instead I will be running to the restroom every twenty minutes or so (sorry--TMI--but it is the truth). :-(

So I better get to it...

I use Lucy Calkins' (or Calkins's? I never remember which so I looked it up and apparently it is debatable and I prefer the first!) Units of Study for writing. This week we started writing like scientists!

We did a simple experiment using a toy car, ramp, and meter stick to find out if the car would go farther on the carpet or the gym floor. I loved it because we also got some practice measuring (which we have been working on in math). You just can't beat an activity that combines writing, science, and math!

Here's some pictures:

Here's hoping you are having a great Saturday (and that mine gets better soon)! :-)

1 comment:

  1. I just love Lucy and the authentic way she approaches writing! By the way, my Saturdays have been very busy too. I got to stay home today and read a whole book. I hope your Saturday is improving!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First
