Monday, October 20, 2014

Busy Week!

I don't know what it was about last week, but it seemed to be very busy.  Maybe it was because on Monday we had a teacher work day (getting grades done etc. and preparing for parent teacher conferences this week), and we only had 4 days with the kids.  Here is a look into some of the activities that went on throughout the week:

Playing a connect 4 game with short u words that we have on TPT

I did the scoreboard from Whole Brain with the kids and they loved it.  When they beat me, we did a 1 min. dance party and here they are grooving!  LOL!

Another dance session

If you look closely you can see that these 2 kids are wearing lanyards with words on it.  Each student got one of these every day and they had the sight words that we were working on for the week on them.  Whenever I called on them, they had to tell me what their word was before they answered my question.

Number line adding and subtracting.  I got this neat idea from The Bubbly Blonde
The students got post its numbered 0-10 and had to build their number line with their partner.  I then gave them addition and subtraction problems and they had to use their number line to answer the problems.  They had a lot of fun doing this activity.

More number line

more number line

Owl assembly-Our theme this year is owls and the school had someone come in and talk about owls and she brought a real rescued owl to show the kids.  

Check out this great EEKING for Daily 5!

We go over our Whole Brain Rules every morning and I have one student lead us.  Here they are saying the rules.  

 Extra practice for that spelling test.  They love working with a partner and practicing spelling their words.  

Well, like I said I felt like it was a very busy week and this week we begin parent teacher conferences.  I'm not sure why but it is always around this time of year that I get sick.  So, guess what?  I got a sinus infection and felt horrible over the weekend.  Luckily I was able to sleep a lot and thanks to this wonderful sinus remedy below......I feel much better!

If you have never done it before, I will tell you that it is awful to do, but it works wonders!  Try it the next time you get a sinus infection.  

Hope you have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, I like your number line ideas. Might be able to adapt that for my 2nd graders - and we did some number line things just today! And yuck your sinus infection - and the cure.
    I'm not sure I'd want a workday on Monday. Ours is this Friday.
