Monday, September 1, 2014

September Currently

I have linked up with Oh Boy Fourth Grade September linky:

Listening-we have been getting a lot of rain.  I love listening to the rain and thunder.

Loving-I feel like I've been so behind in both school and home projects.  I was glad to have an extra day to try and get caught up on those things.

Thinking-I am one that likes to have a routine established at school.....unfortunately we are not quite there yet.  So, I'm really wanting that schedule and routine to be established and running smooth.

Needing-I just need to get caught up!

3 trips:  I would love to go to Arizona (love the warm weather), Alaska (would love to see the light show), Paris (just seems like it would be very pretty).  

I hope you are enjoying your extra day off.  Don't forget to link up for your September Currently.

Have a great day!


  1. Hi Kristi,
    It's always nice to have a day off to catch up on everything! I haven't started school yet (I start tomorrow), but I am sure there will be tons of things I haven't even thought of yet! I hope that your school will get into a routine. Sometimes it takes a bit for things to start running smoothly!

  2. I am so with you on wanting more time - even though I'm promising myself I will get uber efficient this year!!
    Totally agree it would be wonderful to see the Northern Lights - why didn't I think of that on my wish list - slightly strange liking the sound of bad weather - you'd certainly be enjoying yourself over here in England at the moment!! Lovely to meet you :-)
    Special Teaching at Pempi's Palace

  3. I would recommend Paris, but same some time to visit Italy while you're there. :)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First
