Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wisdom for Wednesday-Live like you were dying

Welcome to another week of:

I recently have been reflecting a lot on my life, not sure why I've done that so much lately, maybe because I'm getting close to turning that big 40.......OUCH!  Anyways, I heard this song the other day and it really hit me.  

It is so true because God doesn't promise us tomorrow and today could be our last day here on this earth.  I started to really think about it and wondered what if today is my last day, how would I spend it and who would I spend it with and those little things that I do on a normal day didn't seem as important any more.  If I knew that today was my last day, I definitely wouldn't be spending it worrying about getting my house spotless or worrying about getting the laundry done (I know those things need to be done etc., but they aren't a priority).  I tend to make those kind of things a priority at times and I need to really look at what is important to me in life (God, family and friends) and I need to make sure those are my priorities every day because I don't know if today will be my last day.  I should be living like I am dying every day for the rest of my life.   So, how would you spend your day and who would you spend it with if it was your last one?  

James 4:13-14 Go to now, ye that say, Today or tomorrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.

Have a great day! (P.S.  Sorry about 2 posts today, Crystal was meaning to post hers tomorrow but accidentally posted it today instead.....I guess she was a little excited for it-LOL!)


  1. Such a great message! For everyone!

  2. Wonderful reflections! Just wondering about a post last year...the birthday was your year teaching music? In what state do you teach? Reading one of the comments regarding "highly qualified" sounds a lot like the state to which I am moving (Texas).

    1. Hi Susan! I survived teaching music! I'm hoping this year is better since I have a little experience now. The hardest part for me was the management of it (especially the Ks--first experience with them AND music), the kids were in and out in 20 minutes. Just so different than my classroom... I teach in Kansas.


  3. Thanks for your response! I love the cupcake birthday display...I'm stealing it! I also love the birthday balloon pixie sticks! Are those given as treats on the student's birthday?

    1. Yes! I love having a gift ready to go at the beginning of the year, time saver!

