Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wisdom for Wednesday - Embrace the Day

Good morning!

Today I'm going to get a little personal with you. I'm going to let you in on one, okay two, of my character flaws.

1. I am a major homebody.
2. I am slightly obsessive.

Those who know me well may possibly be nodding and giggling at this point, but let me explain.

I have seen a couple of quotes on Pinterest lately that have really stuck with me. Here's one of them:

I've been considering that quote a lot this summer.

I don't like to be busy.
I like to have plenty of time at my home.
Remember, I'm a homebody?

That makes me have the tendency to "wish away" busy times of my life. 

Every Sunday, I look at my calendar for the week. If I don't have much time at home, I start to feel a sense of dread and think 'I can't wait for this week to be over.'

So why have I been thinking about this so much this summer?

I'm getting ready to start what I know is going to be an extremely busy year. My son will be a freshman in high school and my daughter will still be in middle school as an eighth grader. That means that there will be times that they will be involved in activities on different nights of the week. For example, during basketball season high school games take place on Tuesday and Friday. Middle school games are on Monday and Thursday. We go to church on Wednesday, so a week like that would mean no evenings at home. 

I know it is coming and I do not want to "wish it away." My kids are growing up way too fast! I want to enjoy each moment, day, and week. I don't want to wait for that someday when I'm not busy to live my life and enjoy it!

You may be wondering what this has to do with my other character flaw - being obsessive. It is really the flip side of it all. It is me creating my being busy because once I start something, I have to finish it! 

I mean...I will work on something for hours at a time because I want to be done. Kristi is saying AMEN right now in case you are wondering because she knows me too well.

Take for example when I decided to learn to sew while making my first quilt. It was a king-sized quilt because well, I don't do anything half-way. I worked on the quilt for days (and nights). I thought about that quilt every moment that I couldn't work on it. I dreamed about that stupid quilt! Obsessive, I tell you!

This summer I am trying really hard to find balance. To realize that the project I think is so important will still be there tomorrow if I have something come up or if I don't feel like working on it (gasp!).

I'm trying really hard to embrace the day.

I know I'm on the right track because this picture is of a plaque by my kitchen sink that I see (but don't if you know what I mean) every day. I took time to notice it this morning.

The Lord is definitely trying to prepare me for this year. I'm determined not to wait around or wish for someday.

Will I get tired and weary? Oh yes, but I must remember "...the LORD is the strength of my life..." Psalm 27:1

Thanks for stopping by for...

Don't hold those character flaws against me!

Go out and embrace the day! :-)

P.S. Our editable I Have...Who Has... games are one of the Daily Deals at Teachers Notebook today! That means 40% off an endless resource! You can create all kinds of games for your classroom with these. Math, reading, you name it! 


  1. Love your quote and scripture today, Crystal. I too try to find balance each year between family. My son will be a senior this year and my daughter an eighth grader. Know exactly how you are feeling.

  2. I was reading this post saying, "yep....yep....yep!" I am the same way. Obsessive (always have been) and can't do things just half-way. I decided to blog...I jumped in. Decided to TPT....jumped in. Finding the balance is really hard for me. I want to be present with my two Pre-K kids but also do a good job at what I'm working on. is tricky. Not sure if I will ever find it...oops...we are back to obsessive :)
    Curious Firsties

    1. Yep! Yep! You do sound like me! I'm not sure if that is good or bad... Ha! Well, I think it has it's good points, but definitely requires a decision to be balanced!


  3. You and I are birds of a feather. I love my quiet home. Give me a book and I'll hang out there for hours. I can be obsessive as well. Embrace the day. :)

    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. Tammy,

      This is exactly why we need to "meet" one day! :-)

