Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Wisdom for Wednesday-Doing What you Love

Welcome to this week's: 

Crystal and I got together the other day and you know what happens when teachers get together even as friends.  You know that you talk about school stuff.  Well, we were catching up and of course also started talking about this coming year and things we were going to do in the classroom.  A young gal was by us and stated that it was so nice to hear teachers talking like this and seeing us excited for a new school year.  She said that she could remember being in school and having teachers that you could just tell that they didn't want to be there and just weren't excited anymore.  I admit that I do enjoy my summers and breaks that I have, don't get me wrong and it is hard to go back and get back into the routine especially since you have been on your own schedule the whole summer.  Although, I do still get excited about starting a new year with a new bunch of little ones and to see your last bunch and how much they have grown over the summer.  Crystal and I made a little pact a long time ago that if either one of us get to that point where we are burned out (because we all know that teaching can be very hard) and we lose the excitement, we will tell each other it is time to go do something else.  Anyways, I came across this quote after the incident with the young gal and thought it was very fitting.   

Hope you have a great day! 

1 comment:

  1. Love this quote, Kristi! Not only are we wasting our time, but (as teachers) we're also wasting our kiddo's time if we aren't passionate about what we do! ;-)

