Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Two for Tuesday Means Lucky You!

Good morning! It is bright and early here in sunny Kansas and I have no idea why I am awake. After staying up entirely too late just to finish posting my Robot pack for Monday Made-It, I should still be enjoying the comfort of my bed!

Lucky for you, I'm not though. :-)

As I sat down to enjoy my coffee drink, I started blog stalking and was reading about all the great 50% off deals in the Two for Tuesday linky. 

Then I had an amazing (and crazy) idea...

Why not put our new Robot pack on sale for 50% off?
If you don't like robots, don't worry. There is another item 1/2 off too!

Well, to be honest I can think of a lot of reasons why I shouldn't slash the price on this pack by that much...and so began the following internal battle:

It is definitely one of the most time-consuming projects I have undertaken. 

But it could be a small token of appreciation for our followers.

It is a huge pack. 

But it could be a reward for our followers who actually see the sale and like robots.

It is editable.

But it could make someone's day.

Fine. Just do it!

So here's the scoop, our Robot Theme Pack is 50% off today only. Hop on over to our TPT or TN store and snatch it up!

Now for those who haven't fallen in love with those little robot faces, we have something for you too. 

Our most wish-listed item!

It is an I Have...Who Has..? game.

Are you surprised?

Yeah, me either since we have a ton of them.

Anyway, head on over to TPT or TN and grab the vowel diphthong (ou, ow) game for only $1. 


Only $1!

Don't forget to check out the other great deals at The Teaching Tribune.

Happy shopping!


  1. Haha, I slept all the way until 7 the other day! Whoo hoo.

    1. Good for you, Sara! Isn't it crazy how our bodies take so long to get into summer mode? Then it is time to go back to school...Ha!


  2. I was up with a teething one and a half year old but all is well. Your post has rekindled my interest in the TPT site. Thanks.

    The Color of Sound

    1. Oh, I remember those days... It seems like now that my kids are older, interrupted sleep takes it out of me. I have no idea how I did it when they were little! I think maybe the Lord helps us survive on less sleep during that time. :-)

