Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wisdom for Wednesday - Don't cry...

Hello there! Happy Wednesday!
With my last day of school approaching so quickly (Friday), I found an old familiar quote that I need to keep in mind.
Take a look:
I am one of those teachers that cries on the last day of school...and I mean really cries. There was one year I could not even speak as I hugged the last kiddos out the door because I completely lost it.
Now don't get me wrong.
I am always ready for the end of the year, but I am also sad because of how much I will miss my kiddos.
Even though I will see them around school the next year, I know that my relationship with those little kiddos will forever change.
I mean, let's face it, right now I am the best teacher ever in their eyes and next year that will be their 3rd grade teacher. I wouldn't want it any other way...of course I want them to love their new teacher.
But...I will miss them.
This year I will try to remember this quote and find joy in the year I have spent with these kiddos instead of focusing on how much I will miss them. I'll let you know if it works! ;-)
Thanks for joining me for:

Have a great rest of the week!


  1. I cry, too:) e.v.e.r.y year. Even though I have told myself I won't this year (because this has been an exhaustingly tough group), I fear I will anyway. That just shows how much we really are here for our kiddos, right? We're passionate about our profession and our pupils! Love the quote…thanks for reminding me of it! Soooo jealous you're out Friday…enjoy!

    1. I made it--and with only a few tears! I know what you mean about the tough classes, but they still become ours! ;-)


  2. That's an excellent quote! Dr. Seuss was very wise:)

    Happy almost summer holidays! We have another six weeks to go.

  3. Replies
    1. I made it through with minimal tears! It helped that I saw a few of my kiddos just a few hours later at a track meet, and they were still offering up hugs! ;-)

